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NEW COMPUTER!!! [14 Nov 2002|11:39pm]
Hey kids! I had to get up same ole' fucking time as usual today. I had a dentist appointment today though. So my dad got me up and I got ready. I chatted with Jode-man a little bit before I left then at like 7:45am we left. We got into Burlington a little bit ahead of time. So then I had my appointment in which my mouth was prodded and pricked for almost 1 and a half hours. My mouth hurt so fucking much after all that shit, it was like bleeding and I could spit blood all over. So then we went to KC Bagels in Waterbury. I got a yummy egg sandwhich which wa one in 5 seconds. Then I asked m dad if he could drive the comuter home if it had come. He said yes. So we returned to school and I ran into Dan's office to see if he had gotten my computer in...he was like, umm what are you talking about. And I told him that I had ordered a computer and had it shipped to him at the school since Tiger Direct won't ot let me sign for it....So then he was like oooooh yeah I just called Tiger Direct saying I had some computer I didn't even know about shipped to me and I don't know who Scott Kisler is lol I was like thats mine lol So I grabbed the computer put it in the car and my dad and I dropped it off at home. Then I came back to school, bleeeeh boring and did school as normally would be done. Then finally I got to go home! I was gunna play Hitman II until my brain fell out. SO I played and let me tell you it is much harder then I though it would be. It took me a good half hour to get past the first level. But don't get me wrong. I LOVE THIS GAME. it might be the best game I have ever played for a looooong time. It definetly is beating GTA:VC on my list!!! It is the most outstanding game I have played this year so far. Anyways, I worked on Ari's computer some, then studied for my Chemistry test...got yelled at by my stupid fucking mom...Umm then I chatted with Amanda and Jodan and Adam. Adam might by this laptop that I am using right now. I hope he does then I can get a model up from Ari's computer which would really kick ass. Anyways I think I might go work on my profile a little bit more. Have a goodnight and good last day of the week!!!

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