jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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79587 [22 Jan 2004|10:43pm]
Well well, don't know if I have too much to say right now. I might do a CVS update on SJ soon. But I dunno since everything seems to be working really smooth right now. 22days for server uptime and counting. There shouldn't be anything that wil need to have it get shutdown...

I loveee [info]keainuhai She's the bestest in the whole wide world. Everyone is like, 'OMFGzzZZ!!11 LJ is free!!! Let's get 43908590438 of them and be fucking pieces of shit. I really hope LJ doesn't go to hell even though it's the hell hole of drama. Fucking sweet! Haha DJ is full of emo/goth hot topic assholes...who don't know shit, and SJ well it's the best haha kidding, I love my DJ and LJ...but meh...I talked to samantha last night it was great. She gets me all hott and horny hahaha

Ok, time for Cisco class...suppose I'll write in my LJ up there and maybe my SJ too since I love this shit.

[ Jimmy ]
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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2004 ]
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