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Holy Hott Sex. [15 Jul 2004|08:36pm]
Well I woke up at 6am this morning....ugggh...Stupid people being loud and shit. Anyways, just checked my email and I fell back asleep. Woke up around 11. Didn't really get much of anything else done. Called Samantha around 12 to see what the dilly-o was. I think see had some lunch cause her mum made her a sammich. So I went upstairs and watched some VH1, I LOVE THE 90s bullshit...anyways, Sammy finally called back, we made some plans. Of course I had to then wait like 3 hours since we weren't hanging out until like 5. So I just sat around. Finally Sean and Chip showed up to pick up Chips machine. I told him how much the thing sucked. He said fuck it, I need a new machine. Me being strapped for cash sold him one of mine for $250.00 I promised Sammy I would use that money to go to China with her next year. So Chip said he throw in some more RedBull cases and more clothing from Sheeple :) w00t! So I'm re-doing the machine right now for him. Ok, so they left...I don't think I did much else until like 4:30, talked to Sammy on MSN for a little, then I was off to her house. I saw Amanda my cousin at the creeme stand, haven't seen her in AGES! That was nice, ok so I got to Sammys. We drove around for a little, took her on some nice scenic back roads haha Then we went to the playground and swung on the swings for a little, the stupid things made my ass hurt so we went for a little walk. Then we stopped by Jode-Mans. Said hi, I talked to John about the PC he'll buy fmr me for $75.00 more money for China :) So then we went back to my house, watched The Crow and Requiem For a Dream...was lots of fun :) After those were over, it was around 9:30 and she had to be home by 10. So we vzooomed all the way back to her house. Took route #2 since we took route #1 last night on the way home from the airport. So we got there, she just told her mom she was home, and then came back out. We took a nice little walk around the COMPLEX...not COMPOUND...sounds to prison-like haha Then we walked up to our hill, of course there was NO STARS again...dissapointing! So we layed there on the top of the hill, and someone put like 800lbs of grass in my mouth LOL AHEM! Hahaha Finally 4-5 stars showed up, it was great. Then I got to experience what Sean and I call one of the best things in the world, "FIRST KISSES" But this seemed different, I didn't have the really fast going heartbeat or anything, it was just like wow...you're beautiful and I'm kissing you and it's so perfect, and I've been waiting to do this for like 3 years. w00t. So yeah, then we kept fucking around, I got some more grass, flowers and whatnot in my mouth. It's so amazing, she's only been here for about 24 hours, and we're having so much goddamned fun already. I am pissed I have to leave next week, but she's leaving too :( Going to her Grandmas BLAAAH! I'm going to miss her lots, but she'll be back...heheh Anyways, around 11pm I walked her back home, mmmm was great! I came home...and now I'm writing in here and that's about all, talked to Shelly for a little..meh...and Greg, seems he had a load of fun in Boston, met some chicks, WOOT! And I talked to the old Scene Journal admin Jazzy! Nice to hear fomr her since I haven't in like 300 years. She's doing well it seems :) I ate a cookie...I already miss Sammy...she's so fucking ahghshdghsads AMAZING! I'm so glad she's home...<333 And she made me all tired out today hehe I've gotta get some sleep, so later all :) xox
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