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MmMM [26 Jul 2004|08:32pm]
Made this all by myself :)

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SceneJournal [26 Jul 2004|08:32pm]
SceneJournal is finally online once again after 2 days worth of headaches and 100 advil bottles. There's still some issues, one of the major ones being there are NO S1 Styles so it's all S2 for now. I hope to fix that soon. That's all :)
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S1 Styles [26 Jul 2004|08:33pm]
Well, I managed to mess around with things for a little. I had to rn the MySQL server in safemode and that worked. Something just isn't working with the permissions that were set, I followed the guide as always and it still didn't work. Everything is running right now I've notice one error while sifting through the website, the create styles page, http://www.scenejournal.com/styles/create.bml returns this error:

[Error: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at (eval 211) line 43. @ scenejournal]

Another thing that's kinda a big issue is this, I run the update-db.pl and it appears to work absolutely fine except I have no S1 Styles!:
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Working... [26 Jul 2004|08:34pm]
Been working pretty much for 2 days on this stupid LJ code. Man oh man it's a little fucked up. Gone through like 4 servers and 20 bazillion installs of Debian and Gentoo. It's such a pain in the butt. I'm on install like 21 bazillion right now. I just IMed [info]keainuhai but she had to go :( I called too, but it was busy...then no one picked up, and then the phone broke...and then I called some more but it didn't want to be nice to me :( Bastard thing :( It's kinda early, don't know if I will need another all nighter tonight, I hope not. BLAAH! Well I did talk to Sammy a little today, so I was happy about that, better then nothing at, all. Other then that nothing else has been going on, Micah stopped by, it was nice to see him, we'll probably hang out later this week, David also called and he's getting a new computer, I told him I'd help him with software and all that jazz :) Wahhaha I love this new Taking Back Sunday CD, can't stop listening to it :) Anyways...that's all for now...going to go scribble something on LJ haha
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