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You mean the WORLD to ME. [10 Aug 2004|08:24pm]
Well let's see! Been having a blast that I have forgotten the day the time and pretty much everything else. So I left for Sam on Sunday around 5pm. I didn't really know where I was going but I just kinda went. I almost got pulled over a little past Warren...so I was like OMFG shitee!!! But the cop just flashed his lights, I know he knew I was speeding but he was just like "sloowww down a little" So that was rad. Kept going, finally got the Killington JCT and almost got lost again. I did see Bill's Country Store so I was like "well I must be going somewhat in the right direction." Haha So I drove some more, FINALLLLY came to the gas station place, "Blackies" and I saw my Princess standing outside with her cousin I think it was...and I WAS SOSOSOOSOSOSOSO HAPPY. I hadn't seen her in like 2 weeks!! Aiyeeesh! So she drove back to their cousins house with meeee...and she sang me a song and stuff haha So we got there, I met some of the people, fun fun...actually it wasn't that bad :) Hehe Then me and her watched some TV and I made her keep it on ONE DAMN CHANNEL, she's almost as bad as Sean....eeesh haha We watched Ice Age....gotta love satelitte TV and how it freezes a little. So that was fun....mmm then I think we watched something else...can't remember what and thennnn!!! AND THEN!!!! WE HAD PIE !!!!! OMFG!! This PIE was SO good...mmmm hott damn!!! So yes that wa very very yummy. Bonnie and Doug....they are very rad people! :) They are very nice. I hope maybe someday I will see them again :) Let's see then me and Sam went up over to the "apartment" where we would sleep and Dave and Jo were there already buttttttttt, THERE WAS A BAT! Cause someone thought it would be a good idea to leave the door open...not saying any names.....*COUGH* SAM *COUGH* Hhahaha So we had to get it OUT! And eventually Dave got it....w00t at him...ummm so then more people came...and we all chillled and watched a movie....Super Troopers...I must have seen that movie like 4387548935 times LOL So me and Sam just did our own thing.. We took a little walk and the stars that night were so good for us. Very bright and there was A LOT of them :) I gave her my wristband Aren't I so rad :P Haha Umm then we took a little bit more of a walk.... and we talked and yah yah yah :) Then we went back to the "apartment" and they were still watching the movie or they were watching it again....stupid...the movie sucks! So me and Sam just talked and then she turned it off cause everyone wasn't watching it anyways...and then we MADE IT DARK! VERY VERY VERY DARK...I am sure you know what happens when things get DARK HAHAHAH So yeeeeaaaaaaaastuff stuff stufff and then we talked about important things like how amazing Sam is and how much she means to me :) and vice versa LaLaLaLa :P And then I think we fell asleep and she took all the blankets and I frooze to death but then she made me warm again...she woke up around like 9am and I was like "SAM GO TO SLEEEEP!" But she got up and did who knows what...then she felt the need to wake me up too, cept I was like mmm no "you come lay down here with me..." so she did for a little and then she went back to trying to wake me up haha So eventually after like 20 minutes I finally got up and we went back inside to the house to get some breakfast. Bonnie had made lots of food, eggs and sausages and pancakes...YUMMMMY! So we ate...ummm then we hung out for a little. Then me Dave, Jo and Sam all went to the skatepark...messed around...came back and then me and Sam mapquested cause we didn't know how to get back home or on the interstate...so we got that said bye bye bye bye to people and we were on our way!

Sam was the co-p. We stopped at her grandma's first...oh yeah we stopped there the other day...her grandma seems rad. She's very lively :) and very nice! So yeah we stopped there...said bye to her and then we were on our way. Ok so Sam being the co-p didn't do very well as when we got the end of her gradnmas road and on the main road she didn't know which way to turn so I just went hahah And we drovveeeee and droveeeee and finally we came to the interstate LOL So she had to keep me awake so I wouldn't fall alseep driving and she did a good job ;) So around 2pm we got to Costco which was good. I parked right next to me MOMMYS car! And then I didn't have my sisters cell phone number...so I had to guess and I called it since there was a number on my recent calls list and fortunetly it was them...YAYAHIEEE! So my mom got us in, since you need that member ID thing to get in there. Then she bought me some pizza and Sam nothing cause Sam is a poophead and won't eat...GRRRR >.
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