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iTunes Survey [08 Dec 2005|07:27am]
Have a lookey see under the cut! Stolen from [info]una_tortura

survey woot )

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Crashes and Podcasts [08 Dec 2005|07:27am]
I am not sure why but iJournal manages to crash every morning when I wake the computer up. Kinda annoying but that'll happen. The computer doesn't even actually go fully to sleep, it's just the display. Anyways, I took today off to get some more of my last 2 final papers done which I did for most of the morning and afternoon. Got chapter 2 done for Death and Dying. Only 3 left hehe A lot of chapter 2 was interviews with patients but I still think there was more in that chapter then the previous.

I reloaded my iPod with podcasts and I am also ripping some older CDs I found. Found some Adam Sandler and even the Godzilla (1998) OST! So I am still working on ripping that stuff. Have about 50 CDs left of so. Saw 15000 songs come and go...working on 16000 now! :P

I did listen to the 25th episode of TWiT I think. It had Cory from Boing Boing in it and it was funny as hell like always. So then I layed down to listen to Open Source Sex and I think it was episode 13. Violet was talking about sex toys which you could use over the internet. Your partner would control it or something. I fell asleep maybe 30 minutes into it. It was very interesting, and it was my fault for falling asleep, laying down does that to me :P

I got another like 60-80 CDs from the intarweb last night. I really like Eilliott! Got this Alexisonfire/Moneen split which is uber good.

So I guess I should get something to eat and get back to homework, woot.
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Picture of the Day [08 Dec 2005|07:28am]
Here he is, it's an okay picture, but hey anything flys! :P Hopefully will get something cool tomorrow :)

Bruce Lee
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