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Massages [23 Dec 2005|07:20am]
Work/Geek Chat: So I re-did the header for my Dream blog, again! Hahaha I did realize that I do have both of those movies so I could snap a screenshot of whatever I wanted!

Work was ok, I wasn't even going to go in but today was massage day so how could I not. I also worked on some iPods. Also did TechTails and worked on some other things. I have to work on the St. Albans Messenger server tonight, which should prove fun!

I got this cool little app called Saft, which is esentially a plug-in for Safari. Block ads and allows full screen browsing...which is fun! I wrote about it in TechTails!

Other Chit-Chat: I don't know if I mentioned getting that 3rd reindeer e-card from Em this morning. Very cute :P Ummm let's see...not much else to say...guess it's time for dinner! :)
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Work, Dreams and Horses [23 Dec 2005|07:20am]
Geek/Work Chat: So yesturday was my day to go up to Swanton to do some consulting at Mylan Tech. Duano was going to show me around and get me used to the people and their operation. So I woke up around 7am, thanks to my mum. I got a little something to eat and I was on my way. I met Duane at the park-and-drive in Middlesex. We drove up there. Took probably an hour an 20 minutes I'd say. There were so many cops out yesterday...blech! We finally got there and no one was there. So we drove back into the town and stopped at a little gas station so Duano could clean off his windows since we could barely see out them. First place, the water in the thing was frozen, same with the second and I think third. Finally we went to one that had warm water hahah So he cleaned that up and got some coffee. Then we went back and still no one was there so we hung out for a little. Then he called into Small Dog...and we played a joke. We told them we had heard SDE was now an official reseller of Gateway, HP and other PC companies hahaha we got Tony good LOL But then we talked to Rob who told us he'd figure out what was going on and call back. So then we waited and he finally called and said the guy was sick and no one was going to be in that day. WONDERFUL! So we got in the car, and drove down to St. Albans Messenger, cause they were still having backup issues...

So we fixed that up, blah blah and came home.

Horsey Chat: So finally I got to get some riding in yesterday! Nippet was perfect while I was grooming and tacking up. He was most perfect when I was riding him too. We ran alongside the indoor a couple times...he was being a little bad when we went by the other horses because he needs to sniff and go annoy them all but he wasn't to bad. Then we went for a little walk/trot/canter on the road which was really nice and he was nothing but perfect there! Heheh I love him so much!

Other Chit-Chat: Well, I re-did the header on my dreams blog. It's again from Spirited Away and I've also updated it with last nights dreams. Very weird ones! My girlfriend has emailed me tons of these funny little reindeer e-cards which are quite funny haha I thnk we've got everything for NYE and those days finalized which is nice. One less thing to worry about. I was going to CCV today to do that math test but I don't really feel like it...so that can wait until next week. I am not sure what I will be doing today...going into work soon, do a little work, get my massage and probably come home! w00t! So have a nice day everyone!
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More iJournal Error [23 Dec 2005|07:20am]
Well, it did it again [info]cryo :(

2005-12-23 09:36:44.196 iJournal[4034] [iJournalController updateWhichJournal:(null)]
2005-12-23 09:36:44.196 iJournal[4034] [iJournalController updateWhichJournal:(null)]
2005-12-23 09:36:55.248 iJournal[4034] [iTunes currentTrackAndArtistWithFormat]
2005-12-23 09:36:55.248 iJournal[4034] [iTunes iTunesIsRunning]
2005-12-23 09:36:55.265 iJournal[4034] [iTunes audionIsRunning]

It's stuck on the spinning gear again and won't let me update. That's the last thing about iJournal in my logs.
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