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Back In Business [05 Apr 2008|11:24am]
[ mood | amused ]

Well after pondering and searching for jobs for a couple days I finally got a call back from the larger of the Apple Consultants up here in VT and he wanted me to come out to work with him (this was yesterday). So I took a shower and met up with him. We had 2 jobs, both were supposed to be really easy. Just a data transfer and some hand holding, real simple stuff. First we kinda got lost cause were out in the middle of no where but finally we found out where to go.

Basically everything that could go wrong during the appointment did go wrong. First the machine wouldn't identify itself to the new computer so we couldn't use the migration assistant which made life very difficult. 6 hours later we finally hit the road. I made some good money too, unfortunately we couldn't complete everything we needed to but the majority and the important stuff we got done. All that needs to be done is the data transfer, there were a real lot of photos.

Because it took us so long, we weren't able to complete or even start the second job. He's scheduled for next week. I definitely had an awesome time and this is the kind of stuff I love to do! :) I am really glad I got away from Small Dog, they're a pretty good company, but I definitely out-grew them.

We went to my parents for dinner last night, great chicken and potatoes. [info]emilie and I came home, watched Liar Liar and passed out.

Went out for breakfast this morning, it's really nice to have my Saturdays back! I think we're just going to relax today. I do have to head over to Small Dog at some point to drop off this MacBook. I also gotta make sure they pay me for my MacBook Air and I got to see if Morgan can activate my email account so I can get my .Mac code.

I think I will go play Crisis Core or watch Advent Children. :) Oh yeh....I got my hands on Cloverfield!

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