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2008 Movie List [05 May 2008|09:42am]
[ mood | creative ]

Mission complete!!

So I saw this on a few other journals and I thought I would do it too. I think the point is to watch 100 movies between January 1st and December 31st. Keep the list public and rate the movies. Have I got it right?

* Crap
** Not so great
*** Decent, but rental only
**** Pretty good
***** I've already ordered the DVD

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Working Out & Shooting [05 May 2008|07:49pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

First off thanks to whomever submitted Scribbld to be a "cool site of the day". It's definitely much appreciated! I'm going to see if it added any additional traffic or a spike in new memberships.

Nothing much happened on Monday. I ripped apart the official AppleTV to get the Airport card out. It went much better then 2nd time over. Also emailed the people asking what type of connections their TV had, hopefully it has HDMI, or else it'll be annoying.

I did go for a run in the AM, did the AppleTV and some other chores around the apartment, got some food shopping done. Worked a bit on the servers a couple websites. In the afternoon I got the new shop up the street to change my bike tires over. They seem like an okay place, not really that friendly, could use a customer service course. After that I read some more of my zombie survival book, mostly to kill time while it cooled off outside.

Went for an evening bike ride, did about 5 miles. I should be able to do double that, if not I am no good haha After the ride, I came home played some Call of Duty 4, kicked some ass, level 44 now I think...I also completed the Flower Cup in Mario Kart Wii. I absolutely love that game, even [info]emilie really enjoys it. Really great game, if you've not played it, try it out!

Still trying to find the right helmet cover for my helmet, none of them look like they're going to work, I don't know how they will anyways, because all of them seem to want to Velcro in with straps and there's nothing to really hook into on my helmet, which annoys me. I was going to work on adjusting the aim point on my MP5 yesterday but I totally forgot that I don't have the "key" to turn the knobs, such a pain in the ass, I don't even think I got one with my brand new M15A4 which is lame. Anyways, the aim point is pretty close to being right on where the BBs shoot, so it'll have to work. There's supposed to be a swap this weekend, so hopefully I can meet a bunch of guys and stuff.

It's taking me forever to write this entry, 2 days so far haha I keep getting sidetracked with shit to do...

I just had to reconfigure my whole network so I could connect and view machines on another VPN, of which is right down the street. It probably would have taken less time to walk down there and look at the machine...lol I think I got it all figured out, I just moved my network to an entirely new subnet for DHCP.

Alright, so I got some work done today already, I might go out for a run in a few, then have some lunch.
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