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DNS Forwarding is Great! [01 Jul 2008|05:57pm]
[ mood | good ]

Had my consulting appointment this morning, went quite quickly. I would say 15 minutes max. I'll probably get paid more in travel then for the actual work haha

I basically removed a DNS server from the router, then changed the DNS configuration on the server so that machines used the server as it's primary DNS and then anything else will be forwarded to OpenDNS. I highly suggest everyone check out OpenDNS too :)

Then I went to Small Dog, some lady thought I worked there and proceeded to ask me about the Drobo and online backup to which I gladly helped her out with. I picked up some gear for Canus for Thursday's appointment and then I went to Radio Shack. Some nice guy helped me get the right on/off switch and some electrical tape.

Got home, got the switch working and all, but it's just not going to work that well, the fan really is too big, same with the switch and for some reason the battery gets really hot, so I am going to look at my finances and I'll probably get this slick looking G&G MP5 or something...

Anyways, [info]emilie got a new job, so we're getting Thai food to celebrate...probably watch a movie or something tonight. Have a good one kids!

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Daily Twitterings [01 Jul 2008|07:55pm]
  • 11:44 back from consulting, just cleaning up my iTunes library on the Xserve. Also adding some new SVN repositories. #
  • 11:59 Finally got the right on/off switch for my goggle fan - now I just have to solder it together, I think... #
  • 15:36 Finished up the forums for Macintosh-Admin.com - pretty impressed y it too, I think they look pretty good! #
  • 17:45 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Online. Joinable - Playing Call of Duty 4. Playing Team Deathmatch on Crossfire

    . (via Xbox Live Na ... #
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