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Consulting & Horses [10 Jul 2008|02:20pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | //Armor for Sleep - "Awkward Last Words"// ]

Been pretty busy with consulting and all. If it's not going out to places then I am usually at home working on emails and returning phone calls or consulting over the phone.

*** Auto-save has saved me!! ***

Ok, so anyways...I've also picked up another stall at the barn so that gets me 1 hour total and that means about $120 per month of board I don't have to pay so that's really nice, especially with all my other expenses right now. I did cancel my Netflix account. I told myself I would once I had an empty queue and that finally happened. I've pretty much killed anything I was subscribed to minus Anime Insider (because I already paid for it) and our Internet services.

Had to run to the animal hospital this morning because that weird video issue had resurfaced. I basically told them it was most likely a hardware issue and that they needed to bring it into the repair shop so they could properly diagnose it and order parts and have them replaced. It's definitely going to cost them though, possibly $500-$600. Ouch.

I've not been working on any websites as of late. I still have 2 websites to check into their own repositories. I did remove like over a gigabyte of media from the repositories. There's no sense in keeping it in multiple places...I guess for backup purposes but since it's just a repository, I'll let it be that and not a backup.

Keith and I are going to see Hellboy II on Friday, so that should be awesome. On Tuesday we hit up our Gamestops and picked up our copies of Unreal Tournament III. We'd pretty much been talking about that game since the summer of 2004 and we're just getting it now (actually I've had the PC version since it came out). Anyways, we pretty much played from 12pm till 10pm. We took a good dinner break but we pretty much played all that time. It's definitely a lot fun fun, we did versus, campaign and we finished up with a few online matches. Definitely an awesome game, although I almost prefer it more on the PC, it seems to run fasters, probably because you're using a mouse and keyboard. That's not to say the 360 version is slow, cause it's not...I also played a couple rounds of COD4 with [info]makkintosshu, good times.

So, here's some not so great news. Just last year, Starbucks was opening about 7 stores a day, now they're closing ~500-600 of these stores...I'd definitely have to say either people are fed up with them, or the economy is really going downhill. It could even be a combination of both, but to have a company that was opening that many stores a day 1 year ago, to now, where they're up and closing 500 of them, not good.

The original mommy kitty at the barn is pregnant again...the barn is turning into kitty mania. I love kitties though. The horses are doing well. I snagged the leg straps off my dilapidated winter blanket and I'll use those for my new fly sheet. Nippet's blood tests came back and he's coggins free, which is awesome. I love him. I just need to copper tox his feet for a bit, they're getting a little messed up, so when I get paid which should hopefully be soon I'm ordering a big thing of fly spray refill and some copper tox. Other then that everything is great.

I ordered a bunch of new airsoft gear:

1 Coyote Brown MOLLE vest
1 Multicam Jacket
1 Multicam Pants
1 Small Med Kit
1 MICH TC-2001 Helmet
1 multicam helmet cover
1 multicam hat
1 Coyote Brown Hydration Pack
2 Multicam name tapes
1 multicam American flag reversed
2 Coyote brown name tapes
1 G&G Fan kit for goggles
1 Sanyo 9.6v battery
1 big to small battery cable

A lot of it is coming tomorrow so I am excited about that. It'll be like Christmas in July :)

I managed to get my hands on the latest 2.0 firmware for the iPhone and I've been installing a bunch of apps! I've got the Facebook app, Twitterific, Apple Remote, Things and I am thinking about getting Cro Mag Rally. I remember I used to play Cro Mag Rally with my friend instead of going to class in middle school. So much fun. It would be awesome if they had network play on the iPhone/iPod touch version. Currently I don't see how Things syncs with the desktop version so I will assume it doesn't but it MUST. I have a feeling they'll get it working, just not right away in this version. As far as I know Things is still in beta so they've got some time to get it just right (not that it's not amazing right now, because it definitely is)! The Apple Remote application is pretty much the first application I wanted about 1 week after the iPhone came out....er actually I wrote it about 3 months BEFORE the iPhone even came out! See the article here. Ha HA!

Umm, so that's about all for right now...I've got to go research some servers and I really want to play Bad Company. Good day all!

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Daily Twitterings [10 Jul 2008|07:08pm]
  • 06:51 is thinking about going back to bed... #
  • 10:38 Just finished up consulting emails, have a few phone calls to make, and then the day is mine!! #
  • 12:36 Back from an emergency consult - probably going to play some Battlefield: BC now. #
  • 14:08 Trying out Twitterific for iPhone, so far it's awesome! #
  • 17:28 Just back form getting ice cream with Emilie. Building a couple servers for an upcoming consulting appointment. #
  • 17:31 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Offline. Last seen 07/09/08 playing Call of Duty 4 (via Xbox Live Nation) #
  • 18:40 Just got my new MOLLE vest, feels a bit small, but apparently that's how these vests fit. #
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