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Daily Twitterings [15 Aug 2008|04:12am]
  • 00:23 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Online. Playing Xbox 360 Dashboard (via Xbox Live Nation) #
  • 03:20 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Offline. Last seen 1 hour ago playing Xbox 360 Dashboard (via Xbox Live Nation) #
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Internetz Fixed? [15 Aug 2008|09:37pm]
[ mood | working ]

First I must apologize for not leaving comments as of late. I've been really busy consulting, working my horse, working at the barn, getting paper work done for my new job at the University and in-between spending some time with [info]emilie. I've also been working hard at making sure we get a much more reliable connection between our ISP and our servers.

A guy from our ISP actually came out today and had a look at it all, I had him drill a direct line from our telephone box right into the server room. So now the modem has a direct connection to the phone box and it should be much better. Things seem to be fixed.

Tomorrow we'll be working on upgrading our entire systems setup. I've started a couple things right now, but the majority of it will get done tomorrow. We'll be starting at 8am and I hope to have everything back up and running by the late afternoon tomorrow if not sooner. It's definitely going to be pretty hectic but we'll get it all done.

I think I'll be getting to bed relatively early tonight, got to be up early tomorrow. I am hoping if it's nice in the evening, I'll be able to go out riding, but who knows. Have a nice weekend everyone, I'll attempt to get some commenting done!

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[ viewing | August 15th, 2008 ]
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