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Daily Twitterings [26 Aug 2008|04:03am]
  • 08:59 Waking up, brushing teeth, consulting at 10am this morning and another appointment at 2:30pm. #
  • 09:32 Patches for a MAASF airsoft patch are WAAAY to expensive, it's almost the price of playing a day in Ghost Town. #
  • 11:01 Finished up my morning consulting, attempting to get in contact with my boss. #
  • 11:28 Looks like we're ordering pizza for lunch! #
  • 12:37 Back with the pizza, looks delicious. #
  • 16:51 Done at the barn, heading home now. #
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Work-O-Rama [26 Aug 2008|08:09pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Yesterday, I had a day full of consulting and other work. I had a client come over in the AM for a data transfer which went very well, quite easy. I also tended to some of their basic computer questions. Then I ordered a pizza and it was very good. After that I had another consulting appointment and that too was very simple. Small Dog screwed up the clients computer and I just went in and fixed it. I don't know if I would say screwed up, but they didn't change the things they had changed back to what they originally were leaving the client rather confused. Either way, I got them all fixed up and they seemed pleased.

So here's a bit of a rant. Back in the spring the town deemed that one of the bridges leading from our town into the next was not safe anymore and had to replaced. This bridge was pretty important to a lot of people as it meant we didn't have to drive on the interstate but rather on this "back road". I prefer it personally cause I love driving with my windows down, and it's not that great at 7mph when you're on the interstate, anyways, when I was consulting, it was the last road right before the bridge. After my appointment I was planning on going to the barn to get my chores done and whatnot. So instead of simply being able to drive over the bridge and then 10 minutes to the barn, I had to drive all the way back home, get on the interstate, then drive all the way back. It was worst thing ever, complete waste of time. The good news is that a temporary bridge will be completed within the next week or two.

After that whole ordeal, I finally made it to the barn, and got my chores done. When I got home, I hung out for a bit, and then my good friend Clifford (who's been in Afghanistan for the last 4 years and finally got back into the states about 2 months ago) came over with his girlfriend. We ended up going out to grab a bite and then we went to the skatepark in Barre where we proceeded to "skateboard" if that's what you want to call it. I haven't really skated in 4 years or so. We definitely had a good time though.

Today, I worked at UVM, nothing really special came out of it. I am thinking about changing to Mantis from OSTicket, mostly because I know Mantis can be a bit more flexible and has more option...although it might be possible to tweak OSTicket so that it does a better job, who knows....I'll try to figure it out tomorrow. Hopefully I can convince them to purchase both OS X Leopard Server and a PC to drop Linux on to for another server.

My buddy John also came over tonight and we went for a bike ride. He basically just left last summer right after we started hanging out. But apparently it was all for the better. He's living in Manchester, NH, doing IT/software engineer stuff. Had an awesome time with him, caught up, was a lot of fun. He'll be going into a new job in a week or something. He's got an office right above Canonical (the Ubuntu people!) which is awesome.

Well I've got to get some dinner cause I've not really eaten all day, I think we'll watch some Doug or some movie tonight, hope you kids are doing well!

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