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Daily Twitterings [03 Nov 2008|04:36am]
  • 12:10 Breakfast and then the barn :D It's a nice day here! #
  • 14:35 Back from the barn, getting a bit of work done, then 360 time. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter!
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So Incredibly Busy [03 Nov 2008|04:28pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Secret And Whisper - You Are Familiar | Scrobbled by Last.fm ]

More busy excuses coming...I barely have time to use Twitter let alone Scribbld. I got my hands on LittleBigPlanet a couple days earlier then the scheduled release so [info]emilie, [info]morgan and I have been playing a bunch of it. I also grabbed the players guide today since I was up in Burlington with my car. I had to go up there to put in my hours since I forgot my time codes. Oops...

Everything else has been really good. Helped Morgan with some of the CSS and design of her new blog:


I suggest giving it a quick peek, it's got lots of fun things in it!

I'm really digging Secret and Whisper, I really cannot stop listening to them. I think we're addicted!

Got to head to the barn in a little bit, then I think I might have to pick Emilie up from work but I am not sure haha.

I just finished watching Harmful Insect, awesome movie, really messed up, but I liked it a lot.

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[ viewing | November 3rd, 2008 ]
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