jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [02 Apr 2009|04:00am]
  • 07:45 my @emilierockwell got a new job!! I am so happy for her!!! #
  • 08:40 has made it into the office. Lovely. I think today will be good a day though! :) #
  • 09:51 finished with my morning meeting, not much else going on today...maybe work on some PHP coding. #
  • 11:45 lots of good web April Fools jokes out there. #
  • 13:28 is going to snag some lunch. #
  • 19:44 @flyingpiaffe Either wait it out or Force Quit (Command+Alt+Esc). Eeek! #
  • 21:26 checking out some client's server, blah! #
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[ viewing | April 2nd, 2009 ]
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