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Daily Twitterings [14 May 2009|04:00am]
  • 16:17 added a couple IPs to the block list on Percheron. Something wasn't right... #
  • 16:36 probably just screwed up iptables, haha. woops. Time to head home! #
  • 22:52 just busted major ass on my farriers website www.vtblacksmith.com - not even close to finished, but it's getting there! #
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Friesian Is Getting There!! [14 May 2009|09:52pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Circa Survive - The Great Golden Baby ]

 So finally UPS came around 4:30 and dropped off the logic board. I've been working on getting all the components that we've got installed into the new database server (aka Friesian). I took some pics, they're on my FaceBook. It's getting there. I ordered the PSU from eWiz and I actually just got an email from them saying the items have been shipped. I also snagged a 4GB MicroSD card so I can start using my DS again and "playing" My Japanese Coach hehe. It was like $10 for the little 4GB card, so I thought that was a good deal. Some how adding that brought the 3 day shipping down to $30 from $60...weird.

So what else...that's about it since I last posted. I forgot to mention that I saw Sara yesterday. She was a girl who used to be at my old barn but she left when we did....mostly because the new barn manager was a complete moron and no one liked her. Sara's sister Abby is helping at Towne-Ayer this week since Rita and Bethany are at the Vermont Spring Classic horse show...so Sara came along with her yesterday to see the horses and all. It was really nice seeing her. I actually kind of had a crush on her before [info]emilie ...but some how Sara knew about Emilie and I breaking up and when I was talking about how crazy Emilie was, Sara was like yeeeeah haha....I love how everyone knew this before I really saw it, I would have loved it if someone had told me before I spent 4 years of my life with this girl hahaha. But whatever, to be honest, I don't regret a single second I spent with Emilie, the fights, the good times, the amazing times, the horrible times, I wouldn't trade it for the world. But yeah, enough of that haha...

So I'm just catching up on emails, and some forums and stuff, going to hit the bed soon. I'm tired!!

Oh yeah, no YouTube links for the OVA...that will not count, it has to be a file I can download! :) Thanks.

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[ viewing | May 14th, 2009 ]
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