jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [06 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 13:38 is at the Burlington skatepark. #
  • 14:23 is getting some things for my AR15. #
  • 19:32 @disneyeggs haha what, what's wrong with Paul?! #
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Games to Beat [06 Jun 2009|10:15pm]
Here's a list of all the video games I own, some are very old, and some are brand new. The list and my personal ratings of each game (once beaten) are below. It's continually updated as I beat and obtain new games.

Rather then clog up your friends list, I'll put the list under a cut :)

The List & Ratings )
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[ viewing | June 6th, 2009 ]
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