jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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My Daily Tweets [23 Feb 2011|02:49am]
  • 04:39 had a good steak dinner with Matt and Scott, heading to bed now, back to the barn when I wake up! #
  • 16:40 This stuff is amazing!!! twitpic.com/42onkx #
  • 16:59 working on a little Paid Accounts (notifications) script for Scribbld. #
  • 17:28 hates coding, so now it's time for a break :P Reading my book and possible nap :) #
  • 20:38 continuing the coding. Coming along nicely. #
  • 21:33 categorized my Games List - www.jimmyhasablog.com/projects/games-list/ #
  • 23:55 just off the phone with bethany, snack and watching some tv now. #
  • 03:05 somehow it's already 2am, wtf. #
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[ viewing | February 23rd, 2011 ]
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