jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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My Daily Tweets [15 Oct 2011|03:20am]
  • 12:17 Some how even after buying an iPhone 4S and a flight to see @adelaidecr I have $500 more then I thought I would. Yay pay day! #
  • 13:30 Not being able to activate my iPhone 4S sucks. Get with it AT&T. #
  • 20:14 An unusually but welcomed busy day at the Gator. Sushi with friends now. #
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My Daily Tweets [15 Oct 2011|03:20am]
  • 12:17 Some how even after buying an iPhone 4S and a flight to see @adelaidecr I have $500 more then I thought I would. Yay pay day! #
  • 13:30 Not being able to activate my iPhone 4S sucks. Get with it AT&T. #
  • 20:14 An unusually but welcomed busy day at the Gator. Sushi with friends now. #
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[ viewing | October 15th, 2011 ]
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