Dominic and Emily Johnson

Recent Entries

6/17/09 06:10 pm

Dominic and I would like to introduce Matthew Dominic Johnson who is nearly three weeks old. Born May 29th, 1980 and in the hospital for a week because someone decided it would be fun to have a breech birth and be much more difficult than his sister was.

Angelina has taken the change amazingly well, I'm so proud of my Linabug. Being an older sister becomes her.

12/30/08 09:17 am

It's been so busy at work that I haven't really had the chance to say anything. But Dominic and I celebrated a lovely fifth year anniversary on Sunday, even if the Ministry doesn't think we've been together for five years. What do they know anyways

And I suppose now is as good a time as any... )

8/18/08 08:53 pm

This is such a mess.

[DOUBLE HEXED TO MUNGO'S STAFF SHE CAN TRUST] I'm going through with this. It will probably look better later on when they need to re-hire everyone that I went through with it rather than putting up a fight.

For all we know, Houser might turn a blind eye and let some of the nursing staff stay since most of us are just so you all don't lose it. Keep my Dominic safe, please. [/HEX]

7/24/08 09:55 pm


Em and Angie are great, mate, they are the absolute greatest two ladies to ever walk the Earth, and I'm counting on you to tell them I said that at some point. But, yeah, I think we need to break away from the darling families and get in some guy time. It's been, what? Forever? I really, really, really want to go three hours without changing a diap


7/17/08 03:44 pm

[Dominic] You wouldn't think I was crazy if I said I wanted more children, would you? I just...I see Angie and how beautiful she is and how fast she's growing and then I think about growing up with Audrey and how good it was to have a sibling. Angie deserves siblings, right? [/Dominic]

If I have to work with one more case of dragon pox it's going to make me extremely sad and irritable!

7/1/08 02:02 am

I am happy to report that for Dominic's birthday, Angie bought this lovely journal! I'm quite pleased with it, though I think he'd rather I write in it than him having to do it himself. She specifically wrote down that it was both for mummy and daddy, so there you have it. Following my daughter's orders.

How is everyone, then?

6/26/08 02:59 pm

[info]valesco. Friends Only.
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad... )
I wanna grow old with you
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