True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

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Sudafed is good shit @ 02:30 pm


but dayum it makes my head spin. I took two because one doesn't always do the job, and now my head is all light like a balloon....whee....

Although it requires a prescription here in OR, they are CHEAP when you buy the generic version - sudogest. 60 tabs for $6.

Congrats to Philly. Now watching the other game over my shoulder. Go Chargers, I think...Wow, Pennsylvania is being represented, huh? If Pittsburgh wins, that'd be quite the coup for the state.

Didn't sleep much last night. Am reading through all of Molo's stories in one fell swoop. She likes Hutch's head. The blond one on his shoulders, people. Ran Glinda out of power; had to plug her in to keep reading. Was awake pretty much from 2am until 5:30 or so. Loverly, no?

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True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary