True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

February 4th, 2009

ahhh...silence. @ 09:52 am

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: You Make Me Wanna Cry

All the kids are back to school today. Just sent Katie out the door. She's excited because it's a new semester and her electives kick in. No more PE, and she now gets her Expanded Language Arts class, which I think is going to challenge her in marvelous ways. She will still have her regular Language Arts class as well.

Last night I finally went over edits that [info]peg22 did for me on a story I've started - time got away from me. LOL, I need to remember the KISS rule. Ah, see, I'm in an Expanded Language Arts class myself, only it's one of my own making, with volunteer teachers. I love it.

I have a Neti pot. I used it once. The last two days I have been stuffed up, but did I do the Neti? noooooo, kept thnking it was going to be a hassle because I needed the sterile water, la la la.

Whatev. This morning I got the kettle that I'd already boiled for oatmeal, poured out a cup, let it cool more while I showered, and then did my nose.

I can breathe now...sometimes I'm subborn for the entirely wrong reasons. Or lazy. Yeah. Lazy.

Got into it a little with an older gentleman, for whom I have a lot of respect because really, he's a sweetie, but he's gone off on Michael Phelps like the boy has murdered an entire family with one photograph of a bong. When my older gentleman can prove to me that he himself is above reproach for anything and is the perfect specimen of humankind that he seems to expect young Mr. Phelps to be, then I'll join him in his righteous anger. No, I don't think Mr. Phelps made a smart move, but neither does he deserve the absolute venom he's been on the receiving end of from those who have decided for him that he must be perfect in all ways.

Work, work, work. And today it's supposed to be near 60! I have a walk planned for after lunch, my pretties. Wish I'd gotten a photo of today's sunrise. Kitties see the vet for their distemper shots (thank you, [info]deadcat_vagrant), and Katie has piano.

I haven't forgotten that I have [info]crack_van. I've just not gotten to posting...better put that on the list today, too.
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True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary