True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Happy Birthday to [info]crazy4ew!!! @ 10:33 pm

Current Mood: tired

I hope today was a special Rosey one for you! :)

I was going to do some work this weekend. No, really. I mean, I did do what I needed for Job #2, but Job #1? Nope. Did check in on email, banned a user a few more times, but seriously, that was it. There was more to do. I just didn't have the bandwidth to do it, you know?

Instead I've been dinking with the Secret Santa signups, a lot of laundry, hollering at a NASCAR race, having sex (hee), taking Katie to an enrichment camp yesterday, getting a new camera, hanging my art on the wall, and talking Roy into watching the UK "Life on Mars" first episode before we catch the US version.

And yesterday I did a little bit of shopping. Fashion Bug has new jeans that are designed with different figures in mind. Lane Bryant did something similar, but theirs didn't work out so well for me. Fashion Bug's is working out better, but I continue to be frustrated at having one size be a little too big while the next size is definitely too small. I washed these jeans in cold, and then dried them on the highest heat setting, and they did shrink some, but they're still too loose. Anytime I've opted to go with the patns that seemed too snug, they proved to continue to be too snug. I can't win. Perhaps I'll try washing these in hot water and then drying them. If that works, I may go get another pair. The price was right: $27.

Ever make a statement, as a contribution to a conversation, and the conversation stops? I'm a thread killer. I don't know if I've offended, made a good point, or came too late. *shrug*

American Movie Classics is running "Starsky & Hutch".


**fires up real 70s episodes**

sigh...always helps to POST ENTRY....but since I haven't yet, I"ll add two more pics of my framed art, now that it's hung.

Photos below )

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary