True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Testing Semagic @ 07:41 am

Are we working now?


Thanks to everyone @ 05:52 pm

for your kind and supportive comments. I really do appreciate them.

Funeral is Saturday morning, so we'll head out Friday evening and come back Sunday. My grandmother was remarkably talkative on the phone, but she's pretty shook.

My MIL called for the mailing address. That's too sweet; she doesn't have to do anything - I think she's only ever met them a bare handful of times when the babies were born and at our wedding. She's doing this for me and the kids. *sniff*

In better news, Katie's report card gives her a 3.67 GPA. Considering she was getting some lower grades at the midterm report, she's really pulled them up. *iz proud* She's earned As for Algebra, Language Arts, Science, and PE, and Bs for Social Studies and Health. The Health grade is really due to late work - turn it in late and it starts with a C. Considering she was at a C at midterm, she's worked at being sure her work is on time since. We're not sure what the Social Studies issue is, or maybe it's simply, that was her best work, and if that's the case, then good for her!

Been vidding all day in between laundry rounds. I'm about 2/3 done and it was the harder stuff. The rest should be pretty easy breezy. Will put in the Advent calendar. And SHers, there's still room in that Advent calendar for drabbles, art, vids, stories - come on, folks, let's fill it up! :) Drop a line to [info]enednoviel.

I set Katie to making dinner. I can smell it so I think she's done it right. I have such a headache - crying even a little bit really brings them on. all day has been playing music from 1973, and at lunchtime they played the entire Dark Side of the Moon album. It was cool. They'll keep on playing '73 music until 10pm Pacific time (about four hours from now.) Tomorrow it'll be 1974.


Our piano teacher @ 10:49 pm

Current Mood: thoughtful

Gave birth to her baby boy at 4am on Tuesday.

My grandfather died at 9:05pm on Tuesday.

Sunrise, Sunset. The world keeps turning, lives march on.

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary