True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

**COLD** @ 07:22 am

Current Mood: busy

It's 33. Brrr. It's only going to get colder!

Today's list: Continue in the girls' room. Dig through the front storage bench and make sure everyone has a pair of mittens/gloves and a hat for the bus stops. Make the list of who has what under the tree and confab with the hubby on what else to acquire. I already told him the bulk of anything can be inexpensive, consumable gifts for them, like fun bubble baths or fuzzy posters to color. And I need to take each kid out to shop for their siblings. $20 budget for each child to spend on the other two - however it gets spent, max between the two is $20 (maybe more at my discretion - I can toss in a buck or two.)

Christmas dinner is on at my house, at least for the inlaws. My mother's computer has been giving her fits so I don't know if she's tried to check her email. I should probably call instead, eh? Nah, I'll see her tomorrow at Jayne's dance performance.

Time for some coffee - I bought a peppermint flavored one at the store last night....

*shakes head* @ 07:23 am

I knew that discussion on zinelist was going to devolve eventually...


Oh, my glory... @ 08:16 am

Things like this @ 09:47 am

Current Mood: Blessed

make the second job worth it, even though it's a heartbreaking job at times:

Thank you all for your support. I never dreamed that I could get so much support and love from strangers, Gods love is evident in these postings, and I am soooo gratefull for all your help.

My furnace, she is dead. @ 02:59 pm

Current Mood: cold

Well, she's BREATHING, but there's no body heat!

Fortunately the really cold weather doesn't set in until Sunday, and the furnace guy will come out between 9 and 10am tomorrow morning. Whew.

We'll just have a wrapped-up-in-a-blanket adventure in front of the fireplace tonight after the craft event at school. :D

It's raining, cold rain. 45F outside and windy. Here comes the storm!

When I was a kid, we only heated the house with a wood stove. On super cold days, there would be a WIND from the north end of the house - we found out later during a remodel that there was a hole under the floor that had drawn the air in like that. So, on those cold days, my mom would hang a quilt at the hallway entrance to keep the wind from coming to us and the heat within the living room/kitchen/dining room space. They and my sister had heated water beds, but I don't like those and I had an electric mattress pad that I'd brave the hallway to turn on about a half hour before I'd go to bed. I still love doing that with my electric blanket - turn it on and then the bed is DELICIOUSLY warm when I come to it for sleep.

I don't mind cold weather if the sun is shining - in fact, that's the best, IMO. Clear and cold and sunny - sharp air and foggy breath. Today we've had both - a spot of sun bracketed by gray, gray rain and rising winds.

The kids just came to tell me about how high the winds are - leaves blowing sideways and the rain at a diagonal.

The fire is burning, they brought in more wood for me, and we have a school thing to go to later so we'll be warm there, too.

It's a rather good day.

*dies* @ 08:18 pm

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True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary