True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

*Groan* @ 05:22 pm

Current Mood: grumpy
Current Music: SH theme on the dvd player

So, [info]sjames_centre (Mind, I always type 'center' first and then have to fix it, lol) said to me the other day that a lot of people rely on my LJ postings. WHY, I dunno, but here I am, posting again. She even said that if I seemed to be missing, she'd be calling 911 down here. Awww. *smish*

I am sick. Actually, I feel a little better right now. My throat isn't AS sore as it was this morning and I can talk better than I can this morning. That was fun during a phone meeting, let me tell you. Bleah.

Did some work from the laptop right in bed with the electric blanket on, nice and cozy. Then I kinda dozed off, watching episodes of Here Come the Brides and Starsky and Hutch. Hey, that sounds like an interesting crossover... Joshua Bolt comes face to face with his identical twin, who's a cop, and his lover, a Jew! That'd fly, wouldn't it?

FINALLY had movement on the vid I'm working on. Been tricky looking for the right scenes but I found some lovely ones yesterday. That gave me a boost. Not that I've opened the program today. Poor folks in chat had to listen to me kvetch and then ask, "Where is that scene of Starsky sitting alone in the car, but he's waiting for a stakeout, but no Hutch? I think his leg is up on the seat and he's just kicking back, waiting." (And if anyone remembers, please tell me...I still haven't found it and I want to see if it works.)

Have to start dinner for the hardworking school kids and hubby. Then I'm back in bed. *groans more*

one last thought before bed @ 11:04 pm

Current Mood: tired

if my keyboard input will let me *Stabinates*

In ACFS, I *love* the way Starsky says, "No" to Hutch's offer of water before he turns the table and offers Hutch his figurative boots. It's such a deep, heartbroken 'no', full of grief and weariness and despair, that even the blessing of water can't save him. It's where he begins to give up. So much emotion in such a small word.

The strength of PM's acting.

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary