True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Bromances. @ 03:57 pm

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: She's Mine -

Gotta love 'em. Be sure you read the comments, too.

FUCK FUCK FUCK my laptop is starting to rattle! **prepares to back up documents** Sheeeit! Good thing my vids and their files in process all sit on an external. So do my pictures for 99% of them. I just really need to back up My Documents again as that's about the only place I add anything new, beyond programs on the laptop C: drive.

So, Roy had to work (January + accountant = BUSY), Mom took the younger two to spend their toy store gift certificates and get them lunch, so Katie and I hit OfficeMax for printer cartridges and some pens and pencils and markers she needed for school. I'm beginning to think the schools should really put out a second supply list midyear - things start running out then anyway and we can save ourselves the "run for pencils, run for crayons, run for glue" as they peter out. And we had a 15% off everthing in the bag deal, which is good when it comes to printer cartridges.

Then took her to lunch at Panera where she went completely crazy over how good the bread was, her soup was, her salad was. What a teen. Then off to look for her birthday present, new bedding for her bed, now that we've taken the bunks apart and given them each their own space in the room. She's chosen a rather grown up pattern of blue with green-and-blue accents of squares of varying sizes. The set is pretty remarkable - comforter, bedskirt, two accent pillows, Euro sham, regular sham, and both a solid and patterned sheet set, all for less than $100. She's bugging me to put the skirt on now, as a matter of fact, lol, but I told her to go wash the sheets first.

Today was "hear songs on the radio that you've listened to a bazillion times already" because I'd already vidded them or have played them on repeat to see if they'd build a vid in my head for me. It was a little trippy; Katie and I were starting to laugh over it when she'd say, "Didn't you make a vid to this?" It's not like we were in the car to hear the radio all that often, either. Maybe it means I've vidded TOO much. Gah. **steps away from the puter...then clings to Vegas Pro**

Gah, I just remembered, I need to do my Saturday work for Job #2. We've done some tweaking on the site and the questions being asked are coming more often. Oh, there's six in there today. I usually lucky if there are two. Such great plans coming for this site this year; I'm all excited by them, particularly one that I can't tell you about but that was my idea and my team fleshed it out and offered it to the boss, who LOVED it, and it's scheduled in for later this year. EEEE when it's live, I'll tell you all about it and ask you to participate. Keep your fingers crossed nothing happens to push it back!

I thought I had more to say, but my head just went blank. All hail sudafed, but this morning's dose has worn off, I think... *snorks, tries to breathe* Roy has poker tonight so he left at 7:30 this morning and I wont' see him until after midnight tonight... *lonesome* *hears kids, stops being lonesome*

I know that I am an oddity... @ 05:35 pm

Current Mood: thoughtful

I don't mind kidfic. I don't mind deathfic. I don't mind kinkfic (particularly if it' sone of MY kinks, rar!) and I don't mind RPF at all. (And I am grinning mightily at some friends who used to be very unsure of RPF and now write it, hee. YAY!)

I know others have a real aversion to those things, and that's absolutely their prerogative. (Please don't send me letters about how much you hate something, that's not with this post is about, really.) But I sometimes wonder - what's wrong with me that those things DON'T bother me and that I enjoy them? (Insert unsure little miss fencepost here.) There are limits to what I like, of course. I really have no desire, for example, to read fic involving watersports. Doesn't float my boat, no pun intended. But I don't care if others like it; more power to 'em to enjoy what they enjoy.

I prefer slash to gen (but I like gen, too) and that eliminates a good portion of kidfic possibilities right there. Still, I don't mind and am willing to write ( and have had bunnies, even, but people keep giving me the GAG ME sign so I never really write them) Starsky and Hutch as men who were into women first and each other second, and that in the 'free love' era of the 70s, could very well have progeny out there that they're not fully aware of. And there's so much to explore there. Does Ma Starsky have that grandchild that she, as a Jewish mother, likely covets SO much? How about Hutch - by choosing Starsky they are both choosing largely to give up that "white picket fence, wife, 2.5 children and a dog and cat" American dream. What if he learned that there really is a child that looks like him out there, with his musical talents and their whole life ahead of them yet? What if he meets this child as an adult? Fanon tends (I said TENDS, people) to put Hutch as estranged from demanding parents. Would he fear he'd put those demands on his own child? Or would he be the overly permissive and giving parent?

And Starsky - what about him? His father was killed when he was a kid - that's canon. We're not sure what AGE that happened, but he wasn't an adult when his father died. Would he fear that the same thing could happen to him, and what the ramifications of that would be for a child who came to know him as 'my father'? Would he stay on the force? Want to move back to New York? Reconsider a male/male love affair? What if his kid wants to be a cop, too - how would he feel about that? What would he consider his obligations to the child to be - financially, emotionally, parentally?

And then there's their own relationship to consider. Would the truth of one of them having a child - whether they gain custody or are just made aware - impact their relationship, and how? Stronger? Weaker? Reprioritization? If one wanted to leave the force, what then?

There's a story out there - and I can't think of which one ( I bet it's in Pepper's tag list...) wherein Starsky has married and has a child, but they split up and Starsky and Hutch hook up together - but the ex-wife disapproves completely of their relationship and doesn't want Hutch left alone with the child. It becomes an issue. (Dammit, what's the story?) And another where looney-tunes-nurse Diana is pregnant from her one-night-stand with Hutch and gives birth, then kills herself in the asylum, and the kid is quite literally dropped off on Hutch's doorstep.

Anyway, those are a couple of stories I can point at (vaguely! lol) where this sort of storyline is addressed. But I'm still fascinated with the idea of a child suddenly turning up. And I always get hung up on the idea that it's Hutch's. Maybe it's because the man is so damned pretty, he impels me to think of him as innocent and easy to hurt, and one who is easy to turn to mush, even though I know Starsky is just as much the same way.

I have enough bunnies, lol, and fic that I need to finish before [info]enednoviel and[info]smudley hurt me over 'em, but I can't get this one out of my head.

The reality of there being a musician out there right now named Eric Hutchinson keeps colliding in my mind with the fictional Ken Hutchinson and this is why this is all percolating.

Elsewhere in a locked post... @ 07:29 pm

Current Mood: curious

a friend asked the question:

If there were a lost episode of {insert your tv show choice here} and it was discovered and scheduled to air, what would you want that TV Guide synopsis to say? (Also include the season it was filmed, if that would give it any pertinence.)

So pick your fandom, tv viewers. What "missing episode" would you want to see? Any and all tv shows eligible, cancelled or on the air.

end-of-episode vidding bits... @ 10:05 pm

Current Mood: tired

Just watched last night's Lipstick Jungle (SHUT UP. I LIKE IT. I LOVE VICTORY FORD.) and at the end, they played what was, essentially, a music vid, encompassing scenes from this past season. Just like a fanvid would.

I could have done better. :P

And they used some TALKYFACE OMGWTFBBQ!! and REAL audio!

Hee. I'm being silly, but really - it was a little wimpy, I thought. It could have been done much better. And the timing...don't get me started.

I'm crawling into bed with my congested head now and watching something. I haven't made up my mind on what yet. But, mmmmm warm and toasty electric blanket...

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary