True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Happy Birthday @ 02:38 pm

Current Mood: productive
Current Music: David Soul - To A Heart's That True

to [info]hundredmilesong. Sounds like you are having a fabulous day and I hope it stays that way for you!

Taking most of a day off work results in more to do the next day...but it turns out, both meetings were canceled and I was able to get caught up relatively easily. Yay!

This afternoon Katie has her first school dance. It's right after school, on a Thursday afternoon. Whatever happened to Friday night dances, where it was far more special to go in the dark and have your parents drop you off and pick you up? A dance in the afternoon...seems weird, and more like a bandaid on teen social issues than anything real. *shrug*

Having listened to the "Goodbye Gatsby" song many, many times this week, I'm now wanting to find a copy of the book again. I remember reading it in high school and having it be one of the few required reading books I actually enjoyed. I remember being surprised by that,'s certainly been a long time and I wonder if I'll like it still.

Kids home any minute...homework time.

From my local news' Twitter: @ 04:27 pm

Current Mood: restless
Current Music: David Soul - Goodbye Gatsby

If snow falls in Portland Friday, it would be the 17th day of snow this winter.

THAT, my friends, is freaking INSANE.

Climate change. We has it. Snowplows, not so many.

Yanno @ 11:29 pm

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: local news

I can have fics open. I can stare at them and nothing happens.

Then, a conzine reminder, that this year's Con*Strict zine theme is kid!fic, and my brain explodes.

Into four pages in one evening, interrupted by two episodes of Life On Mars (US).

::shakes head::

Now if the story will just pan out completely. Outline, me? I let my fingers do the walking, really...

Candles lit for the families of those lost in the commuter flight over Buffalo. I'm so sorry.

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary