True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Whee @ 07:20 am

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: The Letter - Robert Plant and Alison Kraus

My question made [info]fandom_grammar!

That is very helpful. Indeed.

On a tear this morning as I have to leave in thirty minutes. Laundry laundering, dishwasher emptied, and I should be able to switch the laundry machines before I leave.

AND MORE FROM MARION! This is ONE time when I like that we're in different time zones, for she can draw while I'm asleep!

**eyes cross from teh gorgeousness**

Good morning. :)

What does it say about me... @ 02:17 pm

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: commercial for Wicked on the radio

that I was far happier dealing with Verizon and figuring out this voice mail system that I don't like (but is now set to where I want it - meaning, my answering machine will pick up before it will unless the machine is out of order!) by using their online chat system rather than talking on the actual phone? So much nicer my element, I guess.

I thank you all for the cosmetic advice. I had been curious about auburn mascara because my hair tends to be red. :) I did find the Almay eye-matching stuff, so got some of that. Shall try it all out.

It's raining like WOAH here. Downpours are usually the only time I'll bother with an umbrella in moving from car to building, and today I had to use that going from car to grocery store. It was insane. The sky was such a dark gray, and low, that it had a brown cast to it.

Speaking of the sky, we've been having an east wind out of the Gorge lately, and when that happens, PDX's flight pattern sends a lot of planes out our way to come in from the west. It's not usual, and so I found it a little disconcerting to be driving up 217 yesterday and observing the bottom of a Southwest flight rather close felt to me, anyway. He flew on to the NW to bank around and come in, but dayum. He was so low, it freaked me out a little. He was going the wrong way for our little airport here in my town (although the runway is made for emergency PDX landings) and was basically between the airports. All week I've been noticing passenger planes north of us. Our little airport is just for helicopters, little personal planes, and corporate jets.


I have a concept for Ea's vid. Something finally struck me. Now to see if it will work. So busy today, it's nutty.

BUT!!! See where Marion has gotten since yesterday:

I am so looking forward to what she gets done tomorrow. To quote Starsky, admiring Hutch's ass while Hutch is boxing: "BEEYOOTIFUL!" (Pilot)

I don't understand the mentality... @ 06:24 pm

Current Mood: aggravated

that when someone posts in the wrong community, or makes a wrong move in a community, that not just one person says something to let the poster know, but a BAZILLION "OMGWTFBBQ YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" comments must be made.

SHUT. UP. You just look like YOU didn't read the comments already posted and instead went to gang mentality with "YAY SOMEONE I CAN BEAT UP ON THE INTERNETZ SO I CAN LOOK SMARTER THEN THEY ARE!!!"


And now, time for the yearbook committee meeting...

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary