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Shane Ostrum ([info]lightningbolt) wrote,
@ 2013-09-17 22:02:00

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Dragon Fire
This is what he got for expecting a normal vacation when he went to England to visit some old friends now on the new Excalibur team. The green dragon pub seemed like a cool looking pub when the were visiting around Wales. But getting chased by a dragon through the mountains of Wales was not fun at all and the weather wasn't looking friendly either.

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2013-09-23 04:12 pm UTC (link)
Etoile wasn't sure what was going on. Shane asked her to tag along to England, the next thing she knew they were being chased by a dragon! A DRAGON.

"We cannot keeping trying to outrun them. This is getting crazy. I'm exhausted..we've been running for the past two days." She said falling down on the ground to catch her breath.

Right now they were able to get some shelter for the time being.

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2013-09-25 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"Well we don't exactly have the firepower to take down a dragon out here," Shane says talking about the remote Welsh countryside. They were hiding in the ruins of what was once probably a castle but a pile of rocks was probably more accurate now.

"But we definitely can't keep this up."

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2013-10-10 12:06 pm UTC (link)
Etoile looked over to Shane, nodding her head quickly in agreement.

"I know. There is much running that I can do...plus it's a dragon...A DRAGON. How can we keep hiding from it, let alone out run it." She says in a very rasped voice, after all they had been running for sometime now.

"Okay. We're not this incompetent. We're X-Men, right? We've been through fair more worse...so let's put our heads together to devise up a plan of strategy."

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2013-10-10 09:41 pm UTC (link)
"I don't really know. Didn't think dragons were real outside of the Lockheed kind," Shane says, "But so far fighting it hasn't worked."

"Probably for the best but we definitely need to change up our strategies."

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2013-10-15 12:15 am UTC (link)
Etoile looked over to Shane as he talks.

Everything went from semi-normal to completely messed up in a matter of seconds.

"Yeah, we do. How do you even plan around a Dragon? They never taught us that!" She said frantically.

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2013-10-15 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"Just have to remember some of the improvising classes," Shane says, "Probably best to look at what advantages we still have in all see if we can figure out anything from there."

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2013-10-17 01:54 pm UTC (link)
Etoile jumped when she heard the roar from the dragon, which sounded pretty close by.

"Okay, what advantages /do/ we have?" She asked Shane, tilting her head. Right now she couldn't really see any advantages they had from a dragon!

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2013-10-17 02:18 pm UTC (link)
"Well there's two of us and only one of it for a start," Shane says trying his best to keep calm after hearing the dragon roar. "I still have some electrical power left too which has got to be useful."

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2013-10-20 08:50 pm UTC (link)
"That is true..." Etoile says. She knew she couldn't user her cyberpathy at all. Whatever kinetic power she had, she would use it as well against the dragon.

"I might be able to manipulate my kinetic energy by making a bigger weapon out of it or something. Worth a try?" She says looking at Shane.

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2013-10-26 12:30 am UTC (link)
"Maybe," Shane says, "But we should figure out how we would go out and do that before we try going toe to toe with a dragon." If they wasted their power and it didn't work he really didn't like there odds.

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2013-10-28 01:27 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, gotcha!" Etoile said. She still didn't have full confidence that things would work in their favour, right now she needed to place complete faith in the plan.

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2013-11-05 11:12 pm UTC (link)
"If we find bolder I might be able to launch it," Shane says thinking, "Could you charge it up so it will do some more damage?"

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2013-11-12 03:13 pm UTC (link)
"Okay...it's worth a try!" She said. "Yeah, I can." She says, looking around for the nearest bolder. Nothing is worth trying right about now.

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2013-11-12 09:03 pm UTC (link)
Shane charged his hands with electricity as he looked around. "How does that one look," He asks pointing to a boulder not far away.

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2013-11-21 01:57 pm UTC (link)
"Perfect!" She quickly prepares her muscles in her arms, releasing what she had left of kinetic energy towards the boulder.

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2013-11-22 12:39 am UTC (link)
Shane unleashed some electrical power towards the boulder at the same time. It is launched up into the air towards the dragon, getting lodged in it's mouth. The dragon then falls out of the sky.

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2013-11-27 02:45 pm UTC (link)
"AHA!" Etoile says all excited. She quickly reaches over to hug Shane tightly.

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2013-11-27 08:00 pm UTC (link)
"Let's celebrate later," Shane says getting ready to turn and run, "I'm not sure if we did much to it but I would rather not find out."

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