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ng_hellfire ([info]ng_hellfire) wrote in [info]little_mermaid,
Sebastian considers Grace's words. Her motivations sound reasonable, but Sebastian hasn't forgotten that he's dealing with an impressionable seventeen year-old. A girl with no sense of who she really is or what she wants out of life, other than to be anything but her mother.

Still, when Grace mentions putting Emma out to pasture, Sebastian can't help but be tempted by the prospect; Complete dominion over the Hellfire Club and its resources. Once he had that, well...what couldn't he accomplish?

Still, there were considerable obstacles in this plan.

Regan would be the hardest sell on the plan; Grace's age is a prohibitive factor but, until now, they haven't had a better way to neutralize Emma's opposition on key issues. Without Emma, DaCosta is outnumbered and forced to either capitulate or resign his position, neither choice favorable to the proud Brazilian.

Sebastian tallies the necessary votes to remove Emma and install a new queen under his control. Of course, it won't be Grace. He could allow Regan to assume that position, giving the pair of them all the necessary clout to control the way the Hellfire Club thinks and moves.

They would gain a foothold and more in Providence, and then Sebastian would dismantle Oracle for Namor's previous insolence. All it would take is giving a young girl a taste of the illusion of power.

These calculations fire through Sebastian's mind in the span of seconds, the deep game he has in mind considered as he notes Grace's provocative actions.

"I agree that your mother's behavior has become...tiresome, and it's bad for business. If I were to take you under my wing, I would want certain assurances that you will do what I ask, when I ask, without any questions. I will never put you in a position where you're unable to perform the task necessary..." he says, idly reaching out to trace a curve with his index finger.

"But some situations will require you to think on your feet, to use unorthodox methods to achieve our goals. Could you do that, Grace?" Sebastian asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he leans closer to her.

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