...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

..Le sigh.

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I was in the process of writing a massive rant about a player at a RPG I let myself be talked into admin'ing. Never, not even in my darkest AniDimensional days, have I been faced with someone so ungrateful and so...fuggin'....DENSE. Said rant would also have popped my [info]bad_rpers_suck cherry at long last.

However, some serious weather is headed our way, and some poor old lady died just a few blocks from me when a tornado touched down. I realize the odds of one finding me tonight are slim, but I'd perfer that what might be my last words on this Earth, however slim the odds, not be hateful ones.

To that end, I'll save the vent 'til tomorrow.

Night, all.
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