...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

Another quick one.

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Enjoyed Mardi Gras. Got almost no pictures to speak of. (Yes, I suck.) Now I just need to survive All-Star Weekend.

Working on the new apartment. Have the parts for my closet coming in next week, and I just finished putting the first coat of polyurethane on my new bedframe. I'll probably sand it and put the final coat on tomorrow.

And it looks as if I'm finally back to a mostly-morning schedule starting next week, assuming the new guy works out. (Apparently he wants evenings, and as I told my department head he's more than welcome to them.) Not a moment too soon, either; evening are when I'm my most creative.

About due for a new set of pictures, too. Watch for 'em. :)
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