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DEMELZA ROBINS. ([info]loud) wrote,
@ 2008-01-04 17:59:00

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demelza priscilla robins.


NAME Demelza Priscilla Robins.
AGE/BIRTHDATE 16 / 5 April 1981.
HOUSE/YEAR Gryffindor / Sixth.

LOCATION Bath, England.
POLITICAL AFFLIATION Officially unaffiliated, but definitely AGAINST Voldemort.

Demelza is 5'4", and her smallish frame and stature make her very good at dodging bludgers. She has a rounded face with plump, rosy cheeks that make her appear younger than she really is, and hazel eyes that tend to look more green. Her long hair is sometimes wavy, sometimes straight (depending on how much effort she wants to put into it that day) and dark reddish-brown in colour. Demelza walks with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, always ready to tell anyone who so much as asks "How are you?" the intimate details of her life.

Though she has a passion for athletics, Demelza loves being girly and, when she feels like it, puts a fair amount of time and effort into her appearance. Though she's very much a girl for comfort, she still likes to look good and be comfortable at the same time. Thus, though she can often be seen in jeans and a T-shirt, Demelza very nearly always wears makeup. She just doesn't want people to think she's some crazy tomboy, that's all!

PB Emily Browning.

Demelza is what people like to refer to as 'in your face.' Loud, obnoxious, and always ready to fight the nearest person who dares do something more idiotic than she would in her presence. She'll say the first thing that pops into her head without giving it a moment's thought - her inner monologue does not exist. She airs her dirty laundry far and wide, and she'll spill every detail of her personal life - and her best friend's - the minute she meets someone new. This can make for rather awkward situations, but thankfully Demelza charges right through any and all awkward situations. But the most important thing is that she takes no shortcuts when it comes to living her life - Demelza does everything to the 110th power, no half-assing allowed.

On top of all this, Demelza is brutally honest. She doesn't really mean to hurt people—okay, maybe sometimes she does—but one can always count on her for a truly honest opinion. She believes that lying is stupid and for people who have something to hide, and since she feels that she doesn't have anything to hide, Demelza doesn't see the point of lying. She has a very, very low tolerance for bullshit, and will not hesitate to call people out on it if she suspects it. She lays everything out on the table, so to speak, in order to prevent confrontation, but if that does happen she goes into battle well-armed. Demelza rarely backs down from an argument, even if she knows that she's wrong. Why, arguing when you know you're wrong is the fun part, she says! And one can bet that Demelza is wrong more often than she's right. She never wants to admit that she's wrong, though. If in a verbal confrontation with Demelza, it's best to just back down because it's highly unlikely that she'll ever give up.

Demelza comes on a bit strong at all times—she's nearly always talking, and rather fast at that, so it is difficult for others to get a word in when she's around. She kind of likes overwhelming people with her personality, and not only does she spend a lot of time talking about herself, but she also has a habit of pressing them for all sorts of details. She just wants to be in the know about everything, and she has no problem with pestering someone incessantly until they tell her a secret of theirs. If she wants to find something out, there's really no stopping her. In truth, she just loves gossip.

She also really hates it when people think of her as a tomboy, just because she plays Quidditch and because she's loud and obnoxious. One thing people learn very quickly about Demelza is that she is, quite possibly, one of the world's biggest and loudest flirts. She's the girl who will charm her skirt a few inches above the accepted length and then wrestle her best male friend in the mud two minutes later. Personal space means nothing to her, so she'll hug and pet and shimmy and shake at whatever cute boy happens to catch her eye. However, she's very averse to being mushy and sappy, and will likely show the same amount of affection to her closest friends that she does to her latest crush. Meaning the object of Demelza's affections is in for a bruising or two. Besides, gross public displays of affection are only for annoying everyone in sight, and Demelza already does a pretty good job of that without having to shove her tongue down someone else's throat.

1) She is obsessed with Muggle pop music. The Spice Girls, the Backstreet Boys, Boyzone - you name it, Demelza loves it.
2) She hates her cat, Princess. Given to her as a gift from her mother, it more often than not goes by the name of "Stupid piece of shite animal that I really fucking hate."
3) Despite owning a fairly sturdy Cleansweep Eleven, Demelza would do just about anything to own a Firebolt. She is notorious for claiming that she will perform sexual favours in return for a ride on a Firebolt.

1) Demelza has a Thing for Hufflepuff boys. Her One True Loves have included Zacharias Smith, Brutus Summerby, and Angus Cadwallader. Currently she is suffering through a most embarrassing crush on Clarence Stebbins.
2) Demelza has always wished that she were blond. She can't really explain why, but she's lusted over Victoria Frobisher's blond locks long enough to know that she would be so much happier if she had blond hair.

Demelza thinks that being an only child is hideously boring and hideously frightening. She is very afraid of being alone, and thus surrounds herself with people whenever possible so that she doesn't have to spend too much time with herself.

MOTHER Catherine Robins
FATHER Mortimer Robins


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