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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote,
Cerdian/Morgaine: Part 1
Cerdian wished that they would just kill him.

He'd lost track of time that he'd been chained up in this dark, dank, dungeon by the League of Assassins. That bastard had every chance to kill him, but he didn't. Know, instead he'd beaten Cerdian within an inch of his life, and had him chained to a wall, leaving him to hang there, wondering if he'd live to see the morning or not.

He found himself wanted to go back and ignore the visions that he had. It made him sick to think that he'd ignore that his best friend's life was at stake. He blamed the pain searing through every inch of his body.

Right on schedule, the girl who had kicked his ass without hesitation, who only stopped short of killing him on her crazy brother's orders, came into Cerdian's cell with his "rations" for the day. In other words, taunt Cerdian with food that he could not get because he was chained to a wall, and too weak to move.

Today, instead of giving him her normal sneer, however, Morgaine looked at him with a curious look on her face.

"Why?" Was the word that came out of her mouth.

Cerdian raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you do it? My brother figured out why you came here, for her, right? Why did you come here, knowing that you were risking your neck?"

Cerdian blinked. Yup, he was losing it. She couldn't be talking to him, at the very least, trying to have a conversation with him.

"Why the hell should I tell you? How the hell do I know that you aren't just going to go up there and tell him every damn thing that I just told you?"

Morgaine looked him in the eye. "Because I ask of my own reasons. Because I don't understand why someone would risk their life for another's, knowing that they might not come back."

She stopped. She had said too much.

"Anyway if you do not wish to tell me, then so be it." The sneer returned, and she walked out of the room, her head held as high as it was when she came in.

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