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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote,
Re: Cerdian/Morgaine: Part 2
Morgaine did not know why she found herself drawn to the Atlantean that her brother held prisoner.

Perhaps it was because she saw a little bit of herself in him. He was determined, like she was, with his mind set on a goal.

Eventually, she began to help him plan his escape, helping him to recover, and began to help him plan a way to release Lian from her brother.

And though Morgaine did not like to admit it to herself, she found that she had fallen in love with him, though he likely did not share the same feelings in return.

Why she was helping him was still a mystery to Cerdian. It still baffled him, that one moment she was ready to kill him in a single stroke, and yet she was, helping him. A part of his mind told him that she had some hidden agenda, but the way that he saw her become more...vulnerable around him made him believe that there was a part of her that wanted to do good.

One day, Morgaine came to him, releasing him from his chains.

"We must go quickly," she said, a look of clear panic on her face.

Cerdian furrowed his brow. "What is it? Has something happened?"

"Yes," she said, avoiding telling him, as she finished freeing him.

"And...what is it? Is Lian alright?"

The look she gave him next was one of genuine sorrow and concern. "I am sorry," she said. "I have failed you."

"What do you mean? Where is she?" Cerdian's heart began to race.

"I made the grave mistake of telling her of your presence here. I did not expect her to do what she did."

A pause.

"She challenged my brother for the League, as she knew that he would not release you if she asked. I have seen her fight before. While she is greatly skilled, she was not prepared to rise to a challenge that great."

Cerdian's face went pale.

"I am sorry."

There was nothing in his heart. Nothing but rage. He knew that he was weak, having been away from the water for sometime, but he could feel the urge for blood rising up in veins.

It was as if she read his expression.

"I will not stop you."

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