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Layla Hall // Hawkgirl ([info]macemeetface) wrote,
@ 2013-02-16 15:20:00

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Plot Idea - Battleword, also know as Dex and Layla beat the shit out of everyone.
- Mongul is looking for new contestants to compete in the games on Battleworld.
- Dex and Layla are having a sparring session in JLI or JSA HQ when they are suddenly transported to Battleworld by Mongul, who has seen them through obtained video footage and thinks they would work well in the arena.
- Dex and Layla find themselves on Battleworld, and are forced to fight their way through. They work together, and have a grand old time beating up everyone who comes near.
- The JLI and JSA notice that both Layla and Dex are missing, and somehow manage to track them down to Battleworld.
- Mongul tries to get Dex and Layla to fight each other. They refuse,and Mongul attacks them. They barely manage to hold their own when the JLI and JSA show up to rescue their missing teammates.
- A combined effort of the teams, they manage to fight off Mongul enough to escape. They go home, and Mongul swears revenge on Layla and Dex for escaping Battleworld.

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