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01:54pm 20/04/2009
I don't mind small children but for some reason today hearing them cry just makes my head wanna explode. Especially when the little one cries she has both of her top front teeth coming in at once and i don't know why they don't give her any medicine to rub on her gums to help ease/soothe her pain.

Beh. Things here have been odd. Toby and I seem to be nit-picking at each other more often; though he sees it as nothing but yet I fear that one day he is going to leave me. He says that he loves me but if he loves me so much why wasn't that love strong enough to keep him here with me? I fear that his love for me is less than he thinks it is because I would take a bullet for him though I doubt he'd do the same for me. Saying and Doing are 2 different things and he can say it until he's blue in the face but since he left says that he doesn't love me as much as he thinks he does.

Wish things were different and were back to normal.

[/emo entry]
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