L-O-V-E Is Just Another Word I'll Never Learn To Pronounce  
11:57pm 25/08/2009
I am working on a solid Granny Square blanket...along with the commissioned afghan from Crysta and the one I've been working on for the past 7 months. I am using Camouflage yarn for it and if I have it done by Christmas I may give it to Matt as a present but I haven't decided anything yet.

I am leaving Saturday afternoon and I can't wait!! I still have so much to pack and as of right now I have a duffel bag full of shirts, underwear, socks, and sleep pants. I still have to pack my shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, tooth paste, my Acne Free skin clearing stuff, my deodorant, dvds, my laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, feminine products just in case I get my period while I'm there, books, my Skeleanimals kitty, My(well Toby's) brown pillow, I need to wash my rainbow blanket along with my jeans, more socks, and more of my sleep pants. I need to buy some more body wash which I will do Friday or Friday night I plan on taking this Solid Granny Square project with me so that needs packed and I'm also taking along a big pink carrying case which is full of the yarn I am using for the commissioned afghan.

So I am just going to ask Crystal if she will clean out the suitcase she used when she went to visit her aunt awhile back and see what I can pack into there and see how many bags I can eliminate. My dad wanted me to get 2 weeks worth of clothes into a medium sized duffel bag which I could if I really stuffed and packed it but I am taking too many other things with me for him to pick me up on the bike when it's time for me to come home.

Plus I know I will be coming home with more than what i left with because dad is giving me $75 from the $175 that Clark normally gives us so I'll have some spending money. Though the Friday I get back I need to buy a collar, leash, puppy food, and a chew toy or 2 that will be good for her gums/teeth this way I don't make her go a night without eating. I do need to ask Crystal to ask her cousin what kind of puppy food they are on this way I can keep feeding her the same kind and not screw up her stomach or buy a brand she doesn't like.

*Note to self~~~~LOOK FOR YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA! It has to be in this house some where and I am hoping to God(who ever that may be) I can find it before I leave on Saturday so I can take some great pictures of North Carolina and flood my page with the pictures. I will only post a few here and then publicly post the rest on my photobucket. Same goes for when I get Abby. I'm sure I'll be camera happy when I get her as well.

Gonna go and add some more rounds to my Solid Afghan and then I'm heading to bed.

Oh yeah my piercings are healing quite nicely ^_^
location: My Bedroom
music: 3OH!3--Starstrukk
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