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Malcolm Brown ([info]malcolmite) wrote,
@ 2008-09-07 18:57:00

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[private] I am absolutely pathetic. Good thing there's so much work to be done, because if I was bored and pathetic I would be even more pathetic. Pathetic times a hundred, even. I'm old and lonely and Archie has a girlfriend. Not that I want a girlfriend because ew, we've discussed this, girls are not going to suffice. But Harper and Psyke, Clara with her young'n AND a baby, I know Stephen is trying for a baby because his wife is insane and only talks about conception potions and cycles to me - I'm gay, not female. I don't want to know about putting your feet up -

ANYWAY the point is I'm lame and celibate and I'm going to die a crazy single cat person - and I hate cats! Lame!

Even lamer that I'm moping about not having Jamie a boyfriend and people are being oppressed! Super pathetic, Malcolm! [/ward]

I am definitely glad the real quidditch teams are getting underway. Weekend wireless matches were definitely not the same without the full rosters!

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