isn't it nice?

August 11th, 2011

princess serenity, hbic.

j-pop → takahashi ai ; tossled hair


August 11th, 2011

character statuses .

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digimon → izumi; ramcat!
I was talking to Ron tonight about plots and how plots are really hard between two people when one partner doesn't give much information on how their character is feeling/their state of mind/etc. I made a comment about how generally if I don't know what's up with characters, I start to talk it out and that's how it comes to me. So I got inspired to do a bigger, more detailed version of my Plea For Plot Post™ and talk things out with myself. Hopefully this will make things easier to plot with other people, inspire plot in others, and if I don't get entirely lazy I can keep updating this. :D I will do my best.

Feel free to comment on this post with commentary, plot, etc. at any time! That's definitely partially what this is for! I love interaction!

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