The Jot

My Life, My Words, My Story.

5/10/08 12:46 am - It’s coming.

It seems to move so fast, gaining speed the closer it gets to the falls.

Can one overcome the drop?

Or will they be smashed in the overwhelming sensation that they no longer have control...

5/10/08 12:46 am - Monday, Monday

Live with life until you can live life. It takes many small things to come together before you can finally do things on your own. Whether it is age, wealth, friendship or some other menial thing that holds you back from true freedom, you must live with it for in the future when you do break away you will be all the better for it.

5/10/08 12:45 am - Humanity: a word now forgotten.

Who lies for the sake of truth?

Who swindles for the sake of honesty?

Who fights for the sake of peace?

In the end it seems we all do.


5/10/08 12:43 am - I expect tomorrow will be a whole lot better.

What an odd way to live life, on the edge of expectation. Only to find yourself at a sore loss when the verdict comes in. Who's idea was it to live for the future?

The present seems unaccounted for.

5/10/08 12:41 am - My babble amuses me.

The salvation of the future lies in the past. Of all the things we learn and what we are expected to learn. To understand what has happened and why it occurred can lead to future circumstances coming out for the better. Everything we need to know is either documented or can be guessed by historians. The past they say repeats itself, and by all accounts it does.
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