Dominic Montague

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Dominic Montague


Name Dominic Montague

Location Around.

Bio I ♥ Quidditch.



December 14th, 2011

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[Former Slytherin Quidditch Players]

So who is playing in that Quidditch Match we all were owled about?

Pucey? Skip? Think we should show those young Snakelings a thing or two about Chasing, hmm?

[Katie Bell]

Found something of yours at my flat. You want it back?

November 10th, 2011

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If she calls me Graham one more time...

Honestly. The woman is driving me mental.

Dearest cousin. I am to inform you that you have been invited to the Montague Residence for an evening meal on Friday the 11th of November. Formal attire is not required.

Of course, you don't have to come, Skip. Mother is just being a pain in the... insistent.

October 22nd, 2011

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more lazy face
Lovely to see the weather hasn't changed much since I left.

October 18th, 2011

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