

Here's Another One!

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Nothin Much @ 06:15 pm


So, not sure when I last posted. I tried Semagic but my user names confuse it. :)
 What's happening. Well, lets see.
 I am working. I am on the internet. I spent a lot of time in September watching old archives of 9/11. I found this youtube video of a woman in the crater of the hole the 1st plane made in the 1st tower. It fascinated me & disturbed me to see her standing in the rubble waving. It brought perspective to the size of what happened. You can really see how huge that gaping hole really was. In watching the videos of the news coverage you can't really get a perspective on it and I never saw the Towers in person. I almost wonder if I didn't get a little obsessed.
  Me and my dog Squeegy are getting along fine. She is spoiled. I love her to pieces!
  Spend time with family. Live alone now. This last year and a half have been the 1st time I've done that in over 20 years and I find I really enjoy it.
  So nothing changes and everything changes.

Love to all who chance upon here!  


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Here's Another One!