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moonyloonylupin ([info]moonyloonylupin) wrote,
@ 2008-04-14 15:40:00

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Remus Lupin Application
Name: Liz
Experience: I've got a lot of experience, my forte is in the MWPP-era HP rps. I've played Remus several times over the past, as he was my first HP character to ever play and is still one of my favorites. My "experience" post on a CDJ is still a work in progress, however, so I don't have a fancy link to send to one place >> I'm currently playing at ~euphorialane, ~blurred_lines, and ~applecreek @ IJ. Most of my retired journals have been cleared and deleted when GJ became a lost hope, though :(
Contact: lolo plays games (AIM) or loloplaysgames@gmail.com

Name: Remus John Lupin
Birthdate: March 10th, 1960
House: Gryffindor
Residence: Small cottage in the countryside outside of Dover
Remus often looks sickly, tired, or underweight. Feeling gangly and scrawny compared to his friends, Remus is very self conscious about his appearances. His hair tends to grow more rapidly around the full moon, often looking unshaven during that time. He does his best to hid any scars he might have. Remus has blue-green eyes, and mousy brown hair - often kept at a medium length. Remus quite frequently appears to be almost 'aloof' not wanting to draw attention to himself. No matter how happy he is acting at the time, Remus eyes always betray a hint of sadness. He also has a number of scars from his transformations.

He is scrawny, especially compared to his friends. His clothes are slightly ragged, hand-me-downs or home made clothing, never the best of fashion statements. It's a rather old fashioned style - a bit nerdy, modest, and reserved. He looks starkly different to his more presentable mates, but he's ok with that. He's grateful he has his friends that care about him, grateful he was able to attend Hogwarts, and well, clothes don't make the world go round.

He is 5'11", not short, but not overly tall either. His weight fluctuates greatly depending on the full moon cycle, but the most he ever weighs is 168lbs. He has green eyes, that betray a hint of sadness when a person looks closely into his eyes. His brown hair is kind of a mess at times, a bit curly, and kind of poofy almost.. The day of the full moon, he looks quite ill. He turns a bit pale, and just looks a bit off, though he attempts not to allow his friends to know just how much the day of and the day after hurts him. Also worth noting is he seems to be a bit scruffier the closer he gets to the full moon.

As a wolf, he looks just like that - a wolf. The difference between a werewolf and a normal wolf is the size, he's larger than a normal wolf, but from a distance one would not be able to tell different. His eyes turn black as night, and the grey and white wolf would be a fierce sight to run into. He does not look like the POA movie version of a werewolf, as in Jo's book canon universe, werewolves look like wolves, not half wolves-half humans.

Remus's father used to work in the ministry, in the politics realm of the wizarding world. When he was at the ministry he was assigned to work in the Department of Werewolf Registry and control. At one point, his father was on track to become a Minister one day, but that drastically changed after that assignment. Fenir Greyback, the 'ringleader' of most werewolves, was determined to have the registry abolished - and even more determined to make sure his own name was no longer on that list. Being close family friends to the Blacks, members of the Black family threatened the Lupin family (although this part of the memory isn't known to Remus), but John Lupin stood firm. He wasn't going to overlook the responsibilities of his job in order to kowtow to the Black family. One of the Black members in the ministry slipped the information to Fenir about where the Lupin's lived. Greyback decided to get revenge on the uncooperative John Lupin by targeting the Lupins' only son. So, at four years old, before Remus even had a chance to enter preschool, or any school in general, he was attacked and bitten by Greyback.

John and his wife were devastated. The minute John registered his own son's name on the registry, he retired from the ministry and politics all together. His family, feeling the discrimination from other families in the area, packed up and moved to a small, secluded house in the countryside of Dover - an area that was technically part of the muggle world, though there were no neighbors within miles of their house. His father became an owner of a small rare book store in Dover, a job that helped spark Remus' love for reading as his father would bring home a new book to him each week.

His mum was a housewife, and home schooled Remus. When Remus first received an invitation for Hogwarts, his parents sent a response declining the invitation. Dumbledore showed up at the house, pleading with them to allow Remus to attend the school, and after a very long discussion of how they will be able to take care of Remus and keep everyone (including him safe) his parents relented and allowed him to attend.

Sheltered, Remus spent the entire time on the train nervously reading a book, not daring to look up or around at the other kids. He'd never spoken a word to anyone outside his family in his entire life. In fact, the very first child Remus ever spoke to was none other than Sirius Black - sparking what would be a lifelong friendship.

In school, Remus was quite surprised to find that James, Sirius, and Peter had all insisted on being his friend. He really had expected to go to school as the quiet one that no one noticed, but being in a dormitory with the three of them made all the difference. In his second year, the three boys confronted him about why he went a way once a month. They had figured out his secret, and Remus was certain they would make it known and he would have to leave school. He was devastated, believing that the only people he'd really ever been able to call friends would now fear and hate him forever.

He was surprised when they didn't. In fact, not only did they not seem to care (well, they cared, but as friends who were concerned) but they would look out for him whenever anyone else started to notice his disappearing each month. What he didn't know, at the time, is the moment they found out about his secret, the three boys decided they would become animagi. By fifth year, they had managed it. It was an extraordinary feat, but nonetheless, they had succeeded. Remus nearly fainted when he found out what they had done for him, followed by extreme excitement that they had managed to do so, and finally followed by lecturing them on what they were thinking. Not only were they breaking the Ministry's laws by becoming unregistered animagi, that sort of magic is dangerous if done incorrectly, and they were merely fifth years! Still, above all Remus was grateful.

But fifth year, it would seem, wasn't always as happy as that moment. In fact, in the spring, a few months before the O.W.L.S. Sirius had let slip on a "prank" how to get past the Whomping Willow. If James hadn't stopped Severus in time, one of four things could have happened: Remus could have injured Severus severely, Remus could have inflicted the curse upon Severus, Remus could have killed Severus, or... Severus could have killed him. Remus had never been so hurt as that day he found out what had happened, and found out why Severus now knew what he was. How could Sirius have betrayed his secret like that? How could Peter, who had known about it, let him? James was clearly the only one with any sense left in the group.

However, Remus couldn't hold a grudge against Sirius forever. He made a mistake, a big one, but when Remus saw that he was truly sorry for it, Remus forgave him. The four friends were as close as ever, and would go on to making the Marauders map together. While he may have held the position of prefect, he suspected Dumbledore only did it to keep reign on his friends. How could he control the friends who accepted him for what he was, the first true friends he ever had? Remus was grateful that he wasn't selected as Head Boy, it took an awful lot of pressure off of his shoulders.

Remus is usually quiet and soft spoken. He almost always has his nose stuck in a book, and prefers to not break rules whenever possible. However, instead of being a strong discouragement to his friends, Remus stands on the sidelines quietly observing when they blatantly ignore rules - even with his prefect obligations to stop disruptive behavior. This does not mean he isn't 'fun' or mischievous like his mates, rather he just prefers to participate in the prank wars when they don't break school rules. He has a strong desire to be like and accepted. Remus tends to be a bit on the shy side, although he will speak with anyone who speaks to him, he's just never truly adjusted to being around so many peers - being alone for the vast majority of his life. Lastly, Remus is a kind and gentle soul, he doesn't want to ever bestow any kind of pain on any one, and always tries to see the best in anyone he encounters. He's rather pleasant, sometimes referred to as the 'sane' or sensible one of the marauders. His love of reading and books has led Remus to be very studious, well-read, and book smart. He excels in his classes for the simple fact that he's as studious as he is. His desire/need to be liked and accepted is every bit a weakness as it would be a strength: strength in the fact that he will be able to get along with most people, a weakness in the fact that he often lets things slide when he shouldn't. Remus also tends to have a rather large guilt complex, often blaming himself when something is another's fault. He's oblivious to any one who might flirt with him or like him, no matter how obvious they are, so caught up in the fact that a person like him doesn't 'deserve' such relationships or admiration.

Remus is a very intelligent bloke, and no one can deny that he is well read. He nearly aways has his head in a book, whether it is studying, working ahead on assignments, or reading for pleasure. He gets excellent marks in school, and has a love for learning. Part of him thinks he might have been a better fit as a Ravenclaw, which the hat nearly sorted him into. However, he's quite glad that it did not and instead sorted him into Gryffindor. Unlike his more outgoing mates, Remus is perfectly content sitting alone reading a book - perfectly content being quiet and still. Of course, this is partly due to his childhood; never having playmates, Remus adjusted rather quickly to being alone.

Overall, Remus is mostly mentally sound. He does suffer from the anxiety and anguish that comes from the fact that he is a werewolf. He has an overly high guilt-complex, almost immediately blaming himself for things as well as feeling that he does not deserve things. He is terrified of that "monster" that lives within him, however, he does his best to quiet his fears and worries.

Mostly introverted, Remus has his extrovert moments few and far between - nearly always instigated by the other marauders. He tends to go along with them, more often than not, just because he's partly afraid that one day they'll wake up and all of a sudden realize they'd have been better off without him as a mate. As far as people he actually counts as friends, he can count them on one hand, so sometimes he ignores the voice of reason and follows full steam ahead with his friends and their plans. (Of course, he is certain this is probably why he wasn't chosen as Head Boy, but he's okay with that. He wasn't too disappointed, and he certainly was proud of James for getting the position.)

Remus has a very low self-esteem. He feels he doesn't deserve a lot of things because of his condition, and he worries that most people would hate him if they knew the truth. It takes an incredible amount of courage to go through what he does every month of his life, and yet he has managed to keep the docile and sweet nature through out the rest of the year. Most in his position might think of turning bitter and foul, but Remus has a courageous inner strength that keeps him going. He might be too hard on himself, too eager to please others, and prone to guilt, but he is still an incredibly strong individual as far as inner strength goes. He does not deny that people like James, Sirius, Peter, and Marly have had a huge impact on him in that manner.

RP Entry: This particular sample was taken from a previously played in school Remus. During this game Lily was out on the Full Moon but James saved her from being hurt. I'm including a snippit of RP from him as a wolf, and from him the day after the full moon.

As a wolf
Remus looked at Sirius - the look in his eyes letting him know he was going to change soon. Sirius transformed into Padfoot just as Remus himself began the process of transforming, groaning as his body changed from that of a human into a werewolf, writhering in pain from it. He felt his bones change structure, his muscles pulling and contracting as his entire skeletal and muscular design changed into wolf. After he was finally fully transformed he let out a loud howl to the moon, from the anquish he had felt.

Whimpering, Moony lowered his head, and then raised it to meet the eyes of the large dog with him. The rest of his pack, albeit a very untraditional pack, was missing, but he wasn't alone. The dog was there. Moony bit at the nape of the large dog's neck, not enough to hurt or break skin, but enough that the dog would know that it was he - the wolf - that was and always would be the leader of their pack.

The wolf made it's way to the old rickety door, and pawed at it until it opened - just like it always did. He turned his head to the dog, cocking it sideways, as if to both command and ask it to follow. It was time to explore. It was time to mark his territory once more in the Forbidden Forest.

The Day after the Full Moon
Remus barely remembered the trip from where woke up cold and naked - near the lake, oddly enough, to the hospital wing in the morning. His left leg was torn pretty bad fom where Sirius bit him, his ribs and sides bruised deeply from James' antlers throwing him, and he had a splitting headach from where he'd hit the tree. Over all, it wasn't one of his better mornings.

Madame Pomfrey administered potions to the boy, with a questioning look on his face. Remus just hoped it wasn't too obvious he hadn't remained in the shack - not wanting his cohorts to be discovered as animagi. Remus recalled the night with horror. He certainly wasn't looking forward to running into Lily any day soon. He couldn't forgive himself from attacking a dear friend, he hated himself all over again as a result of hurting Lily. He panicked, not knowing if he'd bitten her or if James had stopped him in time.

Remus was alone in the bed, looking around the deserted hospital wing. Alone. Just as a guy like him should be.

PB: Emile Hirsch but I'm open to other suggestions.
Journal Name: [info]moonyloonylupin
What charm is specific to this game? CORTINULA

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