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Aleea Strange ([info]rannsofaraway) wrote,
@ 2011-09-11 16:11:00

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Name: Allea Strange
Codename: N/A
Group Affiliation: Darkstars
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Height: 5 ft 8 in.
Weight: 125 lbs
Birthday: December 4, 1989 (Earth calendar)

History: The daughter of the Earthman Adam Strange and Alanna (daughter of scientist Sardath), Aleea's early years were spent being raised by her father and grandfather, believing her mother had died giving birth to her.  With the help of the Justice League of Earth, Adam proved this to be wrong, rescuing Alanna from a group of aliens who wished to conquer Rann.  The family was reuinited and shared many a happy year together.

Aleea grew up on her father's stories of adventure and in her teenage years, visited Earth often, becoming friends with the children of various Leaguers and others.  She grew up following in her father's footsteps, helping him defend their world from a variety of threats, including a war with Thanagar.  She had a crush on Vath Sarn, the local Green Lantern.

With galactic threats posing a danger not just to Rann, but to the universe as a whole, Aleea has become a member of the Darkstars.

Powers: Aleea possesses no super-human powers, but like her father, is an extraordinarily quick thinker and planner.  She speaks several languages and has great familiarity with Rannian technology and other alien tech.

Equipment: Aleea wears a Rannian military uniform that, with its helmet, allows her to survive in the vacuum of space and provides protection from harm.  She wears a rocket pack that lets her break orbit and carries a multi-function ray guy.  She also carries a miniature Zeta-Beamer, which allows for long and short range teleportation, but also requires a period of rebuilding its charge after each use.

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