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Field Test [22 Jun 2010|09:37pm]
Scott brought the mini-Blackbird to a landing in a field just outside of the small town, having come in under stealth mode so that the locals wouldn't be disturbed.  Cerebro had detected an anomaly, albeit one that it couldn't quite seem to pin down.  Fortunately, it had pinged relatively low on the danger scale, so he saw little problem in bringing Pixie along for her field test.

"All right," he said, as he put the Blackbird into landing mode.  "Entering a potentially hostile and unknown situation.  What's your first move?"

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Multiple Chances [09 Jun 2010|07:54pm]
How many people buried the woman they loved multiple times?  Jean (or more accurately, the Phoenix), Madelyne (a clone of Jean), and then Jean again.  It would have been safe to say that Scott Summers had resigned himself to the fact that he would never know happiness or peace, except for that fact that he had made that resignation very early in his life.

And yet, once more, the universe had thrown him a surprise, cast in the form of Jean resurrected yet again.  Born in Phoenix-fire and saved by his love for her and the love of her teammates.  A lover, a wife, a soulmate he had had thought gone forever, truly buried this time, and yet returned to life.

Scott was, truly, at a loss, uncertain of how to act, how to be, around Jean.  He had thought her dead, begun to grieve, perhaps even begun to move on.  Give her space?  Time to adjust to being alive again?  Or...?

But he had been patient, trying to take things as slowly as possible, letting them both feel things out with each other.  Even though it tore him up inside.

He was fortunate enough to have his duties as X-Men leader and instructor at the Institute to keep him form dwelling overly much on these things.

But tonight?  Tonight, they were trying a private dinner together.  Scott had lived with danger from the time he was sixteen years old, faced threats to himself and his friends, threats to the world, and threats to all creation.  But he had never felt nervous like this before.
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