a torch dragged over one hay bale after another, igniting everything

A little color/costume folklore.


Edie 1
ocean skies

A little color/costume folklore.

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Q'orianka 3
Found this on a fashion psychology site.. thought it was interesting.

There's a little rhyme that's part of costume shop folklore:
Baste in black--it will be back
baste in green--it won't be seen
baste in red--better to be dead
baste in white--always right
There's variations of course.
The "it will be back" means it will come back to the shop for alterations or repairs or something.
"It won't be seen" means that that costume will be cut from the show so the public will never see it.
Basically basting is best in white because some colored dyes are fugitive and will mark the fabric they are basted with, particularly red.

I went to the tanning bed today, got a little pink in some places but otherwise I look okay.
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