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sm moods! [Jan. 14th, 2008|08:37 am]
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[Present Mood | busy]

omg, i don't see why so many ppl at gj were raving about this site like twas the next greatest after greatestjournal. this one only offers 5 icons! that's no better than gj! plus this site lags way too much! and no new s1 OR s2 styles?!
oh well, i'm grateful that i got a code for this anyway. one day i shall type up my novels and put them here for my friends to read.
man, i missed being an early adopter by 1 day! :gonk:

[User Picture]From: [info]kuroitenshi
2009-02-11 09:21 am (UTC)


*waves* I don't know if you check this place at all, but I'm a fellow SM fan and I think we have a few other things in common. I remember GJ and sadly I still curse the day it died. This place is better than when you last looked I think they are at 200 icons now. If you ever come back, give me a holler and we can chat or something.
[User Picture]From: [info]sakusha
2009-02-12 02:17 am (UTC)


hi! i just checked the icon amount i'm allowed, and tis only 50. that's better than 5 icons, but ij still allows more (100). i'll friend you here anyway. ^_^
[User Picture]From: [info]kuroitenshi
2009-02-12 02:20 am (UTC)


Ohhhh, I didn't realize when you joined, that might make a difference. If you joined though they have 150 icon and I know that for a fact. *hugs*
[User Picture]From: [info]sakusha
2009-02-12 02:30 am (UTC)


oh, how do i get a code for that?
[User Picture]From: [info]kuroitenshi
2009-02-12 02:32 am (UTC)


I will give you one~ Invite code: 8jf4taaabhs4 Let me know when you have a name so I can add you over there.
[User Picture]From: [info]sakusha
2009-02-12 02:46 am (UTC)


thanks! i just made one; my username there is karin-hime. ^_^
[User Picture]From: [info]kuroitenshi
2009-02-12 02:48 am (UTC)


I added you. Also because of their default template is broken you may want to get in and change that as soon as possible.