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dally's bitch ([info]sbilt) wrote,
@ 2007-09-26 18:13:00

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simon vanderbilt was born only to be handed over to the adoption agency his cracked out mother picked out.
he was born on may 23rd, 1985 in a hospital located right outside bayview, maryland, with an involuntary addiction to cocaine and heroin.
simon grew up in the orphanage waiting to be adopted by the right parent which, at the perfect timing, came to dixon vanderbilt.
it was like every fairy tale dream because dixon vanderbilt was a philanthropist as well as a multi-million dollar hotelier.
since the day simon went home, he shared a home with an older sister and brother who were also both adopted.
he was the baby until his younger sister came along who he hated at first then ended up being his closest friend.
simon grew up fast in his own little world with sexual experimenting and plenty of available booze.
at the age of 14, he began to have body issues that dealt with incessant binging and purging; yes, he was a male with bulimia.
over time, his father began to notice his decreasing body mass then figured out the problem when he lost so much weight that his kidney's failed and had to be rushed to the hospital.
therapy seemed to have helped for a little while until he continued on with his e.d. but ate small portions or stopped eating altogether.
during the middle of simon's senior year, he got a call saying that his father had died. there was no present cause of death until an autopsy came back to say that he had been poisoned. no one knew who, still to this day they are clueless, but said it was probably a business partner.
simon barely graduated high school then he married his girlfriend for almost a year until he called it quits. they divorced which sent him to nyu to finish his college studies.
in nyc, he met many people including another boyfriend whom he couldn't stand anymore then met another boy. they broke up and now, ironically, they both are in new orleans. fate?
simon is now 22 years old and living life to the best of his abilities. without a close distance to his family or to his good friends. it's a new chapter in simon vanderbilt's life.


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